Unable to assign Google Voice numbers

We seem to be unable to assign Google Voice numbers to any of our users now. The error we get is "Unable to assign phone number. Try again". It seems to just happen on loop, doesn't matter what user we try to assign a number to, doesn't matter what the phone number or location is, and it doesn't matter which Admin goes in to try and assign the number. 

I've tried to reach out to Workspace support directly however it looks like I don't have the support privilege attached to my Admin role - so that is pending internally. We've confirmed the users we're trying to give numbers to DO have licenses (and if they didn't, assigning the number should set their license automatically.)
I've waited the 24 hours (waited an entire weekend now) and the issue is the same, I can't get in touch with Google Workspace support directly due to my permissions internally, and now I'm just stuck it seems. Anyone have any ideas?
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Bumping this... no one has any ideas?

i would encourage you to work with your internal teams to either get you permissions to contact support or have those teams that do have access, file a support ticket. If this is having business impact it should be something they would want to support and get an answer to.