Dialogflow CX - Intent Matching

Hi Team,

In my cx agent, i have few intents like (speakToAgent, confirm.yes, confirm.no). In one of the page, we have entry fulfillement as (was i helpful?). Here i have these 3 intents as route transitions. User might say any of these three. As a fallback, i have sys.no-match-1 event handler, which prompts the question again. 
For speakToAgent intent, i have utterances like (connect to agent, speak to agent, transfer to agent, human help)

Issue is, at this point, if user says “want to book additional courses”. This should obviously trigger no match, but its somehow triggering speakToAgent intent. I cant even add this utterance “want to book additional courses” to default negative intent because the similar utterance i have for router groups in a different flow-page. I dont think of any solutions which could resolve this issue.

Im using standard nlu with 0.5 as confidence score. If someone say “want to book additional courses”, it should go to no match other than speakToAgent intent. Please help on tackling this scenario.

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that means that you have other intents that are similar. I would suggest to increase the confidence score to 0.8. it is also a best practice

View solution in original post


What is the confidence score when you say “want to book additional courses”?

Its 0.5765. Also i don’t understand how this phrase has such score when its not related and trained.

similar to that utterance, if i say “i want to take additional course”, this too triggers speakToAgent intent

that means that you have other intents that are similar. I would suggest to increase the confidence score to 0.8. it is also a best practice

Sure @xavidop will try that. If we set the score to 0.8, wont the utterance matching be too strict.

exactly! keep me posted!

confidence score of 0.7 works best. For 0.8, nlu matching is too strict. For instance, there's an utterance "connect to agent". If user says "can you immediately connect me with an agent" -> this utterance falls to no-match for 0.8 confidence score. So I changed to 0.7, it's works fine now.

With 0.7, other phrases like "i want to book additional course, i want to take additional course" are not matching now.

that's perfect!

if you want, you can select my reply as the answer of this thread!



@xavidop , one general question. when its suggested to select Standard nlu and when to have Advanced Nlu. And what’s the minimum confidence score and max confidence score we should stick to?

Hi @Vinoth1097 ,

for the confidence score, I would suggest: a minimum of 0.65 and a maximum of 0.85.

As shown in the Dialogflow CX - Agents documentation, in the NLU type section:

NLU type

This can be one of:

Standard Standard NLU technology. Advanced Advanced NLU technology. This NLU type works better than standard, especially for large agents and flows. Model training takes longer, so automatic training is disabled. You need to train the flows manually or via API.


Also the standard will not get any updates: https://cloud.google.com/dialogflow/docs/release-notes#February_20_2024

Does this suggested confidence score applies to both nlu type?


Based on the conversation above confidence score plays an important role but having unique keywords in each intent should also do the trick. 

yup! it is a good practice to have the intents and utterances properly set, without mixing utterances in different intents or having similar intents