Sheet freezes when trying to add Comment

ISSUE:  In GSheets - when trying to add a "comment" to a cell, the Sheet freezes.  This is happening to only ONE row in the Sheet.  All other cells/rows are fine when doing this function in this same Sheet.

HERE'S WHAT HAPPENS: I right click to add a Comment.  Click on Comment in the selection pop-up.  Sheet freezes.  Error box pops up that says "Page Unresponsive, Aw, Snap!  Something went wrong while displaying this webpage. Error code: RESULT_CODE_HUNG".  Options given are Wait, Exit Page or Reload. 

I have tried all options given to resolve.  Re-opened Sheet numerous times.  Restarted computer.  Copied and pasted "clean" cell contents from the same Sheet and from other Sheets into the affected row/cells.

Nothing is working and the row continues to be "infected".  Any advice as to what has gone wrong and how to fix it?

My next steps are to cut/paste special the row contents to a fresh sheet.  Delete the row in the original Sheet, insert a new row, and see if I can copy/paste special the contents back into the new row in the original Sheet.  But I don't want to have to do this and would love to know what has happened and if there is a resolution!


Solved Solved
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I didn't try that - but ty for the suggestion!  I would try it,  but here's what happened - I decided to wfh the next day - and when I opened the same s/s, the comments were working!  When I return to work next week after the holiday, I'll see if the s/s continues to work.  What a mystery!

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What happens if you duplicate the file and try to make the same edit to the copy? 


I didn't try that - but ty for the suggestion!  I would try it,  but here's what happened - I decided to wfh the next day - and when I opened the same s/s, the comments were working!  When I return to work next week after the holiday, I'll see if the s/s continues to work.  What a mystery!

I am also experiencing this issue. It's not a particular cell. I go to the menu and select Comment and it just freezes and locks up until I get the page unresponsive notice. It seems to be doing it in about 70% of my google sheets. 

I’m not sure about the original issue, but for this one, does it still happen in a different browser, like Firefox, Edge, or Safari instead of Chrome? I’m thinking it might be a cache/cookies/browser plugins thing. 

I cleared the cache/cookies restarted closed Chrome. Restarted my laptop. Tried it in Chrome. Same issue freezing as soon as I select Comment from the menu. I tried it in Firefox and exact same freezing issue. I don't bother with Safari since it's very glitchy with google sheets and I live in google sheets at work. 

Mine was freezing in only one s/s and from one specific row down.  In Chrome browser.  I took this same work laptop home to work remotely, and that's when the comments started working again!  Then when I brought the laptop back to work the next day, the comments began freezing again.  So now I have to wait until I work remotely again in order to enter comments for that same sheet/rows again.  Really weird.