My email is being used to send spam this is a gsuite account



Dear All,

please find attached my send itens

1 2 81

It's pretty clear that someone has gotten access to your account.

If you're the administrator of your Google Workspace instance (Google renamed GSuite to Google Workspace several years ago), there's a bunch of cleanup you'll need to do--see below. If you're not the administrator, contact your administrator for help. 

1) Turn off password recovery for your users:

2) Change your password ((and maybe all your users'  passwords) immediately.

3) Make sure that 2FA is enabled, at a minimum for all accounts with admin privileges, ideally for all users. See

4) Check your Workspace instance to make sure that there haven't been any additional accounts you don't know about created. If there are, delete them.

5) Check the sharing permissions on your items in Google Drive to make sure that no additional people have been added to them. You can do this with the free, open source, command-line, indispensable GAM tool. Check out:

for more details.

Hope that helps,


Thank you sir