๐Ÿ‘‹ Introduce Yourself!

Community Manager
Community Manager

Thank you for joining the Google Cloud Community. Weโ€™re glad to have you! Please take a minute to create a new post and tell us a little bit about yourself, just use the label "Introductions" when you do.

The questions below will help you get started, but they are by no means required. Feel free to add whatever information about yourself that you feel is interesting. This is all about you. ๐Ÿ™‚

In what part of the world do you reside?

What do you work on?

What expertise do you have to share or what are you learning?

What would you like to get out of this community?

What do you do for fun?

We canโ€™t wait to hear your answers!




66 297 20.2K
297 REPLIES 297

Great, thanks Andrew!

Hi Bryce9,

In this video, the presenter explains about the new collaborative features in Google Docs using Smart Canvas, a new buit in feature in Docs, Sheets and Slides: 5 things to know about Google Workspace starting at the 10 minute point of the video. Also, making docs available offline using Backup and Sync may help.

Kind regards,

Marta de Souza

Hi Marta, great, thanks for the info, I'll check it out!

Hi Bryce, 


I work for a small company as welll an our solution is to use google sheets. For every notable movement we record the details and the notes. The sheets can have field areas locked which only allow certain departments to modify the input. based on the email they logi in with i.e maintenance / crew / HR / Accounts receivable.

Depending on the amount of changes and people entering information I would strongly recommend copying the schedule and creating a daily copy.  Too much information will interfere with the version history function. On the sheets page there will be a link at the top that will says when the sheet was last edited and by who. You can view the cells of the sheets that were edited and by which user. You can revert back and forth to older versions to review the changes that were made. 

Our system works better when each cell of the sheet is modified by a single person and then transfered to a new person later. Any special notes to be entered by a person not currently in charge of that specific cell/sailing/flight/leg/launch/rigging whatever are to use a super special long code that will never be repeated and to send an email starting with the code to the team that enters the notes for certain subjects. We don't do a ton of work so our codes easily double as shipping numbers.  (registration)(DDMMYYYY)(NNN). By emailing the notes as well as entering it into notes we have a time and the sheets gives a rollback option. The coded email if needed is easily changed to a BOL or AWB and the notes are just copied saving a bunch of time.

Hi, I am Sean. I live in Kuala Lumpur, the capital city of Malaysia. I work in a company that specializes in helping organizations (from small to large enterprises including education institutions) adopt and migrate to Google Workspace. I have 12 years of experience in sales, technical implementation and change management in Google Workspace.  I hope to be able to contribute to this community wherever I can. Looking to learn as well from the community, as I am sure there are many unique experiences and knowledge to gain from others here.       

I'm not subscribed to Introductions, so why do I seem them in my stream??

Hi my name is Renรฉ

In what part of the world do you reside?

 Baja California, MX

What do you work on?

Support IT, Teacher and System Integrator

What expertise do you have to share or what are you learning?

Working with Google Products since 2002

What would you like to get out of this community?

Some automation scripts, sugestions todo better administrations, because I have various EDU sites with 14K accounts

What do you do for fun?

Electronics DIY, Linux SBC, Sensors, Edcuational robotics, etc.

We canโ€™t wait to hear your answers!

In what part of the world do you reside?

Pacific Northwest, USA

What do you work on?

I do it all! solo IT Specialist in an 180+ user (and growing) org.

What expertise do you have to share or what are you learning?

I'm still new and learning a lot in my new role as an IT Specialist. I'm learning about Okta, Jamf, Google Workspace. I am also interested in learning about networking, security, python, and automation.

What would you like to get out of this community?

A place to help others and to request help on Google Workspace related issues. Learn about features that others are using. Also looking for a place to submit feature ideas

What do you do for fun?

Just getting into music production using Logic Pro. Learning to play keyboard, mixing music with a DJ controller, exercising, playing with my dog, trying new restaurants, backyard bbq, having whiskey or beers with friends and colleagues. Something I'd like to get into that I haven't yet: kayaking.


Edit: reading everyone else's replies, we have a lot of diverse folks here very interesting!
I'm not sure if we are allowed to post links here (I'm not affiliated with this Youtuber in any way but I think he's fantastic for Google Workspace admins)

Goldy Arora 

Welcome to the community, he is not a "Youtube" he is "The Master of Workspace" - i believe that all in here have learned a lot from this phenomenal guy, he is a Googler btw, so he keeps our sanity by creating exquisite content with straight to the point video, he provides his POV versions of the products and use cases! 

Hi all,

My name is Marta de Souza and I work in adult education in England. Used to live in Orpington, Kent and just last week moved to Cambridgeshire.

In what part of the world do you reside?  A little town in Cambridgeshire

What do you work on?  IT in education, a bit of everything.

What expertise do you have to share or what are you learning? I've been working with Google Workspaces (nee GSFE) for at least 5 years now and lear from a G+ tech community very savvy in deucation matters. I learn something new every day!

What would you like to get out of this community? Knowledge and bunter

What do you do for fun? Gardening, watch TV, walks, textile art.

Cheers everyone.


Hello from always sunny Southern California,

Nice to meet with you, folks. My name is Jason Huang, entrepreneur & engineer. I'm the Founder of xFanatical, a tech startup & Google Cloud Technology Partner, serving productivity software and solutions for Google Workspace admins and users.

I've been working on a couple of products beneficial for the Google Workspace ecosystem.

  • Safe Doc. Helps K-12 schools manage inappropriate features of Google Workspace for Education granularly and protect students from mischiefs or harmful content. 
  • Foresight. Helps organizations automate business workflows on Google Workspace to improve work productivity and employee satisfaction. 

As an aspiring entrepreneur, I love solving problems for the community. I'm passionate about building innovative solutions to improve work productivity. Digital workspace always involves, especially with the pandemic. Putting work on side, I enjoy playing guitar, hiking and camping. 

Open to connect with you around the world, LinkedIn



Hello, my name is Amritha

I work out of Dubai and have been working on Google Cloud for about 7 years now. 

Since I work for a premier partner company, I have experience working on about 500 Google Workspace projects, deploying about 1.5M users in both enterprise and education sectors. 

I should be able to help you all with any deployment/admin console queries as I do this in my everyday job. Hoping to get the same from everyone here!

Hi David Andrade from Connecticut, USA here. 

I am the Business Development Manager for Google Services at CDWG. I work with schools across the country on their Google deployments and support. 

I got the first Chromebook (CR-48 way back) and was CIO for my school district where we went Google Apps for Education and 12,000 Chromebooks back in 2012 and I have supported over 1,000 deployments since. 

I am have Google certifications - Educator, Trainer, Administrator, Deployment Specialist and more. 

I am hoping to learn and share my knowledge with others. 

Hi all:

Ian Crew here from the San Francisco Bay Area. I help run Workspace (and a number of other cloud collaboration apps like Zoom, Box, MS365, etc.) for the University of California, Berkeley. I was honored to be featured in the Member Spotlight series recently, so you can read lots more about me there.



I currently reside in Los Angeles and am here mainly to suggest Feature Ideas and to read what issues or suggestions other people have


I was introduced to the community via the chat bot telling me I should make a suggestion to a problem that I hadn't even proposed. I was immediately offended because the majority of my workspace issues are closed with the final notes being abot how there are no solutions available and to submit a suggestion. I was so offended that I couldn't even laugh at how correct the chat bot actually was.

So here I am. I have no IT training and only use google apps and the admin page to request solutions to problems. I implement few restrictions on our users and I implement even fewer rules. The rules I do create are created purely to make life simpler for people that do use gmail. 

In what part of the world do you reside? 


What do you work on?

I manage the offices and devices of a small airline and I am the only employee brave enough to take on IT projects.

What expertise do you have to share or what are you learning?

I exclusively manage the IT issues of under 50 employees across only two bases. I have 20 years of experience but I'd be laughed out of any office that asked me anything beyond management questions. Im currently learning about fire and building codes and how to protect equipment from power surges.

What would you like to get out of this community?

The reason for interacting with this community is to find solutions to issues that support is not able to answer. Every community has a team of people that are able to promote suggestions to teams that are able to promote solutions not generally accessible to the general public. I am hoping to find those people and get my basic suggestions escalated.

What do you do for fun?

As a kid I enjoyed nature. I got older and moved south of the treeline and learned I could plant trees for money. As that I adult I enjoyed nature. Now that Im older I dont do fun, I get frustrated, and the best part of my job is convincing other people to recognize and try to solve my frustrations.

Side note: I hate IT stuff but it calms me down. I have a lot of fun actually solving IT issues if I believe they need solving and will put in a lot of energy with good people. Opening a ticket and actually working to resolve it for a few days is great but being after working with the tech for a few days and asking for the ticket to be escalated to the most senior technician by name is priceless. I have zero doubt that most people that actually meet and try to talk to me as a person dont get weirded out.

Hi @jaymahoney,

Welcome to the Community. Sorry the bot wasn't helpful (bad bot) but I am glad it sent you our way! Be sure to join the Feature Ideas group to submit and vote. There is also a section there for ongoing user experience surveys- researchers are standing by and ready to get your input. 

It was a rare occassion where a bot was helpful. It was a good bot. The best bot maybe. 


The old method was to work on a solution and be told to put my suggestion into the suggestion bin. The suggestion bin to me was built like the recycling bins with three holes where you put your paper or plastic recycling or trash and they were actually all the same hole.

Thanks Andrew, I really am hoping that this community will expand. I know the old community existed but the cynical comments were pretty heavy there about the lack of feedback. For some issues Google support forum would be the first relevant result... on the third page which only exists for fiends and spam. 


Perhaps this community will lead google back on track towards being a search engine and away from an SEO award center. I doubt this bit but hopefully the community can become respected enough to provide solutions that deserve first page results.

Nice to meet you @jaymahoney . Youโ€™ll enjoy this community, I do. By the way, you sound like a tech guru ๐Ÿ˜‚

Thank you!

I like to imagine myself marching into battle. The Kings has introduced their best warriors. The bards are singing. The damsels have fainted. The horns have blared. I valiantly stand up finish stirring my coffee and say hello. 

Hahaha @jaymahoney you have the sense of humour of my brother ๐Ÿ˜‚ ๐Ÿคฃ

Hi, mi name is Alberto. 

I live in A Coruรฑa (Spain).

I work in the IT department of a newspaper. One of my main tasks is the admnistration of the company's Workspace domain.

Hey Alberto! 

Welcome to the discussion! 

I find that your position is an interesting one... before I got IT Certified by Google through Coursera, I had my Vocational Certificate in Graphic Design using the Adobe Creative Cloud applications (mostly InDesign, Illustrator, and Photoshop, and back then, InDesign was called PageMaker). This was before the Internet took off and required Graphic Designers to know how to make web pages and do web design. 

I'm curious how Workspace Applications like Docs work with those types of Applications. Do your co-workers have to convert the Documents into a Word Format before importing them into InDesign? 

Hi Tracy,

Journalist use Workspace applications how a complement for their work. They don't need import these documents into the applications they use to create the newspaper pages.

Hello, My name is Igor. I live in Moscow, Russia. Iโ€™m working in the company Softline, we are present in 50 countries.  I have 16 years of experience in the IT field  and of which 8  years in sales, technical implementation and change management in Google Workspace. At the moment I'm interesting to learn other Google Cloud products such as Kubernetes, Bigdata and AI/ML. I hope to be able to contribute to this community.

Hi ! I am Dilip Raju  from India.

I am a retired sergeant of the Indian Airforce, Currently working as IT Administrator, at K12 School in Mumbai, And managing google workspace for students and teachers. I have sound knowledge of Linux and windows server administration and take care of hardware and networking, I am looking forward to learning google workspace administration so that I could help students to learn a better way in this pandemic,  I love Driving and occasional go on long drives to new places  I also love photography and make short videos.

Hi Dilip... There's a course on Coursera that might be of interest to you. It's specifically about Managing and administrating Google Workspace.  

Here's the link to the course. I think it costs $39 a month (US). So I don't know the cost in India: https://www.coursera.org/specializations/g-suite-administration

Hope this helps. 

Hi everyone!,

My name is Karim, I reside in Cancun, Mexico. I administer 4 workspace domains and lately I've been having a lot of fun with appsheet. I've developed nearly 100 AppSheet apps  during the past few months, it's such a fun platform. More recently I've been taking deep dives into ML and more complex Data Science. I have learned a lot from the AppSheet community and I know this one won't miss on delivering. 

I'm an ocean exploration enthusiast, passionate about marine life, scuba diver and former professional swimmer. Also an avid cook, passionate about everything food related with a special interest in Lebanese and Mediterranean cuisine.

Great to meet you all.

Welcome to the group, Karim... I've heard a lot about Cancun for its Scuba Diving.  Being a diver myself, Cozumel is one on my bucket list. 

It's awesome to find some other divers in here. Cozumel is such a paradise, feel free to let me know anytime you come around. 

It might be a while. I live in Northern California. 

Well that's a great place to be too, I miss my days as a student there, going to Sausalito almost every weekend. 

Go Stanford!

That is a beautiful spot. I live near Sacramento in the Valley, so sometimes we go there in the summer to beat the heat.

@Karimmc2 wrote:

Hi everyone!,

My name is Karim, I reside in Cancun, Mexico. I administer 4 workspace domains and lately I've been having a lot of fun with appsheet. I've developed nearly 100 AppSheet apps  during the past few months, it's such a fun platform. More recently I've been taking deep dives into ML and more complex Data Science. I have learned a lot from the AppSheet community and I know this one won't miss on delivering. 

I'm an ocean exploration enthusiast, passionate about marine life, scuba diver and former professional swimmer. Also an avid cook, passionate about everything food related with a special interest in Lebanese and Mediterranean cuisine.

Great to meet you all.

Welcome Karim. Sounds exciting with the Appsheet. I am also looking forward to explore it in more details. 

Hai, I am Biby Michael

  • In what part of the world do you reside? -  Bangalore India
  • What do you work on? - ICT Coordinator @ Silver Oaks International School
  • What expertise do you have to share or what are you learning? -  Workspace Administration
  • What would you like to get out of this community? -  Solutions for the various troubles
  • What do you do for fun? -  Books, Movies and Food ๐Ÿ˜„

Hey Biby, welcome aboard. 


I'm Mario,  See my answers below


In what part of the world do you reside?

I live in Belgium (the hellhole yeah!)


What do you work on?

I work in a high-school for automating processes and teaching electronics & ICT.


What expertise do you have to share or what are you learning?

About anything that concerns electronics & ICT  : domotics, IoT, VHDL, C#, Google SDK ๐Ÿ™‚ for creating users for the high-school where I work, ASP.NET, SQL


What would you like to get out of this community?

Contribute in making Workspace better.


What do you do for fun?

I'm doing fun-stuff every day...


Hi Everyone,

Happy Friday to you all!

So here is a bit about me, which I thought I had done ages ago, but can't see my post ๐Ÿ˜‰

In what part of the world do you reside? I am based in the UK approx 1 hour away north of London 

What do you work on? My role is 'Google Adoption Lead'  and I work for a company called Travis Perkins PLC. They are one of the largest Builders Merchants in the UK and employ approx 20k people. I work in a team of three, and we support the business with anything Google related, that includes Training, Tech support, and Adoption

What expertise do you have to share or what are you learning? So, I studied to be a Graphic Designer many years ago now, and I have developed my career over the years and taken on many roles which has ultimately lead me to this one... I would say my expertise is in Customer Service, Engagement and I also love helping people be the best in their roles - I originally joined Travis Perkins PLC back in 2013, which is when 'GSuite' was introduced. I instantly took to the way in which Google works and loved it! so much so, along side my day to day role at the time, I became a Google Champion. This was to help support my colleagues with Google Gsuite and drive the implementation. I then left Travis Perkins PLC a few years later, but then re-joined on 1st March this year as 'Google Adoption Lead' which I absolutely love!

What would you like to get out of this community? I would love to reach and connect with people who are in similar roles and share ideas of how best to optimise Adoption, ways they have successfully delivered and increased the usage of Google Workspace in their business'

What do you do for fun? So I am married and I am a mum of two boys (11 and ๐Ÿ˜Ž who keep me very busy indeed... we love the beach and exploring and travelling to new places... our favourite place in the UK is Cornwall, it is just beautiful and our favourite holiday has to be Dominican Republic in the Caribbean. However, we are off to Florida next year and I personally cannot wait, I think I am more excited than my two boys! I have never been to the US so very much looking forward that, and I will be sure to let you know all about it!

I have added a picture below of a place called St Michael's Mount, Marazion in Cornwall which we visited last week, it was just stunning ๐Ÿ˜‰St Michaels mount.jpg


We are a website development company from Brazil


Hi Everyone,

In what part of the world do you reside?

What do you work on?
I work in the Education sector supporting technology in public schools. Currently running projects related to Identity management and federated authentication with SaaS. 

What expertise do you have to share or what are you learning?
Long time Google Workspace user and a Google Workspace Platinum Product Expert for 12 years. You'll normally find me lurking over at the Google Workspace Product Forums

What would you like to get out of this community?
Connect with fellow minded enthusiasts, helping other get the most out of  Google Workspace.

What do you do for fun?
Football/Futsal, Motorcycling and tinkering with technology