Google Postmaster Tools Questions

Not sure if this is the right place for this, but due to the lack of support/feedback, figured I'd post here.

I use Google Postmaster Tools to get a general feel as to how a domain is doing with their B2C. Here are my questions that I am unable to find answers for (anywhere):

1. How does Google Postmaster Tools work? Does it only display data from gmail recipients? Does it include workspace users too?

2. If I add a root domain to GPT, is the data across subdomains aggregated and displayed on the root domain?

3. If I add subdomains to GPT along with the root domain, are the metrics separate?

4. Does Google not send 'abuse reports' back to ESPs like Mailchimp?

I am trying to understand how I have a root domain with a 0.6% spam rate on 3/29/2024 and a subdomain (that did a mass send) with a spam rate of 25% on that same date. The root does not send emails. Where did the calculation of 0.6% on the root come from?

I understand the basics, but I'd like to know how things get reported.

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I am no expert however I thought I would share And if no one here answers you, you might want to consider the Workspace Admin help community:[9983020,%22Postmaster%20Tools%20FAQs%... or the one on one support via