Embed a Google Space in a Google Site

Can I embed a Google Spaces Space in a new Google Site? We used to be able to embed Currents in a site.

16 28 5,873

I would also like a solution for this if anybody has a suggestion. Thanks 🙂

For those that are also interested in this, there is a Feature Idea here: https://www.googlecloudcommunity.com/gc/Feature-Ideas/Embedding-Google-Communities-into-Google-Sites... that you should vote up.

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If you do not already have access, you need to request it first. See https://www.googlecloudcommunity.com/gc/custom/page/page-id/Workspace-Feature-Ideas-FAQ for how to do that.

Once you have access, go to https://www.googlecloudcommunity.com/gc/Feature-Ideas/gh-p/workspace-ideas-group . There, you can upvote and comment on any similar idea, or post a new idea.

If you are submitting a feature idea, be sure to explain the problem that you're trying to solve with the feature idea, not just the idea itself. For example, saying "when my users are trying to do 'A', they often get confused by the fact that the buttons to do 'X' and to do 'Y' look quite similar to each other, which leads to this unintended consequence" is far more likely to get fixed than a feature idea that just says "change the color of the button 'Y'".



We are also looking for a solution to embed spaces in sites. Our intranet runs on sites combined with currents. 

Same thing here... .we are using Google Sites as our intranet, but we have Google Currents embedded into our Google Site intranet as a blog / news feed.... 

Same thing, we would love to embed a Space into our google sites intranet.

I need this feature as well please.

This is a critical feature for us.. does anybody have a solution or a timeframe for this to be available?

Looks like Google has officially answered this in a webinar they did recently (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7L9tgde6zcw). Below is a screenshot from it where it clearly says they are NOT planning on making Spaces embeddable.



Thanks @b_gorsky1 . Bummer!!!

if there is no integration of Google spaces in google sites, we will abandon google sites for our intranet ;(

@informatica-cdv I've discussed this with my IT department and our Google architects and Google doesn't offer the ability to embed Spaces into a Google Site. It's unfortunate for those of us looking for a news feed for our Google Site intranets. I plan on using Google Groups to replace Currents for our news feed. It looks more like a gmail inbox, but it is functional at least for now.... until Google gives us something better.

Hi @paulslater3 Interesting, can you embed groups in google sites? Because google blocked embedding chat in sites.  

@Renevdonschot Yes, I simply went to groups.google.com , created a group. Then just take the live url of that group and ads it to the embed component in Google Sites. 

Correct, Chat and Spaces can't be embedded into a Google Site. Hope that helps. 

@paulslater3 That doesn't work for me. I get this when I try to embed the groups URL



@b_gorsky1  That's strange. I just tested again on my company's google site and it seems to work. We have a Google Enterprise Workspace, so I'm not sure if that's what you're running as well.

Here's how it looks on my side when I embed a live Google Group link to Sites.

I"m not the Google admin at my company, but I wonder if you're using Google Enterprise if you need to reach out to your admin to get the settings adjusted.



yes sir. the groups can be embedded 😉

@paulslater3  We are on Enterprise Plus and I am an admin. I looked in the Groups for Business settings and don't see any options for embedded or preventing embedding.

@b_gorsky1  The suggestion of adding Google Groups to Sites was suggested to me by @kim_nilsson  I wonder if he has any insight into this issue you're having.

@b_gorsky1 the error message you get is explaining what is going on.

You are not using Sites with the default sites google com domain, but are instead using a custom domain, and apparently that interferes with embedding.

@kim_nilsson Thanks for pointing that out. I obviously didn't read the entire error message. That's a bummer.

I guess the takeaway is that you cannot embed Groups on a Site using a custom domain. Seems like an odd limitation.

@b_gorsky1 @kim_nilsson  I didn't know this about custom domains either. Good to know... thanks @kim_nilsson 

FWIW, I just circled back on this and I am now able to embed a Group in Sites with my custom domain. It embeds as read-only, but that's better than nothing.

Hey Google people, there are 15 likes on this post and another 29 on the feature idea (link below). Not to mention what must be thousands of others using Sites and Spaces that would love to see this feature. Why can't we get any traction on this? I don't see anything at all on the roadmap. Doesn't seem like a big ask and really makes a lot of sense especially with the new Announcement Only Spaces. 😕😒

Yep! Recently we introduced spaces. Our current system of manually creating and copying news updates into Google Sites for our intranet is inefficient and outdated. While Google strives for constant improvement, this process is a step backward.

Spaces was going strong for us until it was nested under chat. The only way I can "push" it to our users is to embed it on the Google Site we use for our intranet. 

@bethstaton Spaces has always been part of Chat (prior to being called Spaces it was called Rooms).  Google stated categorically before the closure of Currents Communities that Spaces would not be embeddable in Google Sites and there were no plans to add it to the roadmap. Google can change its plans, obviously, but there hasn't been any mention of it changing.