Workspace admin signature control

We are looking for ways to be able to have control on company wide email signatures to be able to delete old signatures from all employees without needing to manually go to them to do it. We also want to have a setting where admins can lock/prevent employees from tampering with their signatures. We use WiseStamp and only want the wisestamp signature to show up. 

Is there any way to remove all old signatures from the employee's signature settings and lock the settings so that it cannot be tampered once the wisestamp signatures are injected? 

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Hi there,

There are a few paid solutions, if you look around, and if you don't mind having an add-on accessing your users' signature (and possibly more data, depending on the permissions it asks for).

We prefer to have (and to give) full control, so when a customer asks for a way to bulk change signatures, we create a script for that. This way, they can inspect the script (and even modify it) and see exactly what it is doing, to make sure that your users' data doesn't go anywhere.

Naturally, we can only do this for our customers, because it takes time, but I can at least point you in the right direction. So, if you need some help with this, let me know.

You can do this with the free, open source, command-line, indispensable GAM tool. Check out:

for more details.

Specifically, see for how to set signatures using GAM.

Hope that helps,


Thank you so much! Have been struggling with this for our clients and we were able to get GAM working in a few hours. Much better than the paid solutions which charge every month per user.

Glad it worked out! I'm definitely a huge fan of GAM, and of Jay Lee, the creator of GAM; and Ross Scroggs, the creator of GAM Advanced.

Signature Santori is a pretty good third party solution - easy to use and there is an option that charges you per signature update, no subscription plans.

Choose a centralized email signature management solution compatible with WiseStamp. Use the solution to bulk remove old signatures and enforce standardized WiseStamp signatures. Enable administrative controls to lock signature settings, preventing tampering. Test the integration thoroughly before deploying it to the entire organization. Communicate changes clearly to employees and provide training. Maintain ongoing management and updates to ensure signature consistency and compliance. 

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