Spreadsheet to allow for AppSheet Expression testing

One of the frustrations I have with AppSheet is that when I'm writing an expression, I can not test it unless it returns a value that meets the 'purpose' of the expression. For example, I know that if I'm writing an expression for a Row filter condition, then it has to return True/False.

A lot of the time this is a useful check, but with some complex expressions it is actually easier to build them in stages, perhaps performing a select to first return a list, then wrapping that with IN() to return True/False or using Index() to return a single value from the list.

What I wanted was an expression writing environment where I could go straight to test at any time without worrying about what the expression was returning. When the Test link is pressed beneath the expression builder, it essentially passes a bunch of parameters to a URL, so what I have done is build a simple spreadsheet which can construct the same URL.

Here is what it looks like:


All I need to do is specify my App Name, Table Name and then write out my expression, then the link will allow me to open the test page. I have made the spreadsheet publicly accessible, so if you want to take a copy and play with it yourselves please do:


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muchas gracias, muy útil... si ir haciendo expresión simples en campos luego anidarlas y probarlas, requería mucho tiempo.

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