Sample App: Barcode Generator

Today I was having fun with an awesome service called Barcode Generator by Tec-IT

I though, why I don't make an app for it? So... here it is.

Barcode Generator via URL API

It sound great but it's not that complicated.

You need to learn the parameters of the URL, that's it.

I putted some references to Tec-IT since they provide it basically for free and that's what they deserve.

It's under my portfolio (premiered today, yay!) and also here is a direct link to it:

Barcode Generator

Hope you like it and helps you to solve the mysteries of QR generation and the like

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Nice!! Personally, I don't have a great need for such codes but I will save this app in case I decide I need a CR code.  I was impressed that you even have Japanese postal codes (I live in Japan)!

I really think AppSheet should integrate excellent user-created sample apps (templates) like this one with those officially published by AppSheet.  @peterdykstra , I think we've discussed this before and, if I'm not mistaken, you indicated that better utilization and promotion of user-generated content was something that you were already considering. Unfortunately, I can't seem to find that discussion.

@GreenFlux and I have discussed this in the past here:

This was part of a thread started by @tony1  on sample apps.

That's very kind, thanks @Kirk_Masden !

@Kirk_Masden wrote:

I was impressed that you even have Japanese postal codes (I live in Japan)!

It's an awesome service, isn't it? All credits to Tec-IT for that.
I just scratched the surface, there are at least double the amount of codes available!

Nice looking , ideal demo/sample app @SkrOYC 

Thanks @Suvrutt_Gurjar, I tried to apply the KIS rule on this one. Also the red color is from the Tec-IT brand ๐Ÿ˜‰ so I just copied the color

@SkrOYC Useful and very nice Oscar ๐Ÿ™‚

Iโ€™ll integrate it almost as is, and would like to give you reference. Please send me your email in a DM so that I put it in the app. 

Hi @Joseph_Seddik. If you which you could just point to the sample app or my GCC profile.

Also I encourage to give credits to Tec-IT for the service:

You may use this barcode generator as part of your non-commercial web-application or web-site to create barcodes, QR codes and other 2D codes with your own data. In return, we ask you to implement a back-link with the text "TEC-IT Barcode Generator" on your web-site.


I will, thank you!

BTW, for anyone interested on just QR Codes but of various types of info, Tec-IT also has an API for that:

For example, you could create vCards if your app has employes or people in general by:


N:", [Name],"
TEL;HOME;VOICE:", [Personal],"
TEL;WORK;VOICE:", [Work],"
EMAIL:", [Email],"
ORG:", [Company],"
TITLE:", [Profession],"
BDAY:", TEXT([BirthDay], "YYYYMMDD"),"
URL:", [Website],"
END:VCARD&backcolor=#", [BackgroundColor]



Hi @SkrOYC do you know a way how to add margins to the Barcode?

You use this Barcode Generator:
This gives an output without margins:

This generator gives an output with margins:
But it does a check if I'm human before opening the image, so this generator is no more usable with AppSheet.



Thank you so much @SkrOYC 
I see that it works also without the "qunit" parameter. So this is working also:

I just found that we can play around with all parameters using the "Settings" on the upper right. Font size, Background Color, etc.




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