New AppSheet App for Enhanced Gmail Management and AI Draft Replies

Hey HEY AppSheet Community!

I'm thrilled to share something I've been working on that I believe will revolutionize the way we manage our Gmail inboxes and how we interact with artificial intelligence in our daily communications.

Introducing a Brand-New AppSheet App for Gmail Automation & AI-Powered Responses!

This app isn't just another tool; it's a comprehensive solution designed to supercharge your productivity and personalize your email responses like never before. Here's what it offers:

  1. Custom Responders: Define how you want AI to handle your emails, from tone (e.g., business casual) to specific instructions for replies.
  2. Label Setups: Easily create Gmail labels directly from the app, setting parameters like how often the bot checks for new messages and which responder to use.
  3. Automated Draft Replies: Every 15 minutes, the app's bot searches your Gmail for new messages under the specified label and prepares a draft reply based on your chosen responder.
  4. Personalized Draft Instructions: You can even create draft replies with specific response instructions (right in Gmail), and the system will tailor its generated replies accordingly.
  5. Tone Training: Improve the AI's accuracy by flagging past email threads as examples for the AI, helping it to better capture your unique tone and style.

Why This App?

  • Save Time: Automate mundane email responses and focus on what truly matters in your work.
  • Personalize Communication: Ensure every email has your personal touch, even when you're not the one typing it out.
  • Innovate: Leverage the latest in AI and AppSheet capabilities to stay ahead in your communication game.


This app is now available for all my subscribers through the Answer Portal.

  • Resources & Tools > Sample Apps (PRIVATE) > Gmail Responder
  • Link


How To Gain Access

For just $10, you can access this exceptionally helpful tool, while $20 subscribers get the added benefit of the full power version of Appster, my custom AI tailored for AppSheet users - along with a veritable treasure trove of AppSheet goodies.

Don't miss out on this opportunity to elevate your email management and communication. Sign up now and join the forefront of AppSheet innovation!

Looking forward to seeing how you all leverage this new app to enhance your productivity and email management!

MultiTech Visions



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This is awesome.... Well done Matt

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