SSE on Cloud Run, is it working for anyone ?


I have built a microservice with SpringBoot for sending push notifications to an angular site . I ma using SseEmmiter class supported by spring ( ) and it is working perfectly on my local. 

However , it is seems to not doing anything when the service is deployed in cloud run. There is no error when calling the method sseEmiter.send() is just I am no receiving anything in my client. 

SSE was supossed to be supported on cloud run, attending to this , but I have seen similar messages from other posts claiming that is not working . So ... has anyone managed to get SSE on cloud run working ?


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Hi @rodmargon,

Welcome to Google Cloud Community!

As of the moment, we only have limited support for SSE as examples available are only available for the following:

There's a workaround available through this GitHub feature request link that you may find helpful but it is not a guarantee that this would work.

You may also file a feature request so that our engineers could take a look at this. We don't have a specific ETA but you can keep track of its progress once the ticket has been created.

Hope this helps.