table calcs vs LookML

Hi community,

Was hoping someone can help clarify one point for me. Let’s say I have the example below to chart. Can I create a chart (e.g. bar chart that graphs just Dimension A on one axis and Table Calc on y axis as an aggregate). Right now it seems like the graph has to be broken out by all the dimensions which is too granular for me. Or do I need to do this through LookML?

Dimension A
Dimension B
Dimension C
Table Calc using Dimension B and C as inputs

0 4 184

never wondered that. now that you asked, i wonder it too. lol.
have you got your question answered? please update if you did.
anyone having an answer. thanks

You can easily hide columns from showing in your visualisations, see this community post:

Hide a Field from a Visualization (3.26+)

Thanks George,

I think when we hide the visuals, it hides the dimension from the graph, but it doesn’t aggregate it so you may see multiple instances of what seems like the same dimension, but different due to the hidden value. I guess another way to phrase this is if possible to aggregate off table calculations in the graphs?

Ah I see. You will need to do the table calc aggregate in LookML instead.

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