is there a way to know what looks/tiles/dashboards are connected to a field (measure or dimesion)?

is there a way to know what looks, tiles and/or dashboards are connected to a specific field (measure or dimension)?
I have for example, a tier dimension on a field. For a new dashboard, they want the tiers different. But I don’t know if I change the existing one, what reports are going to get impacted.

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Hello @GenDemo,

If I understand, this sounds like a call for the system_activity model.

This model allows you to search content containing field references. However, it can be a bit tricky, as the field references can be in many places. E.g., filter, calculations, custom dimensions, custom filters, merge query calculations, etc.

I often use the https://<your_instance>:9999/explore/system__activity/history part of the model to determine usage.

Dimensions I would encourage you to check if they contain a reference:

  • Merge Query Source Query
  • Query Fields Used
  • Table Calculations

And explore others, too, as I’m certain I missed some.

Note, each of those fields contain data in different formats. Sometimes strings, sometimes JSON, so I often use “contains” filter with the name of the field I’m searching for.

Oh, and it’s been awhile since I did this sort of thing with tier dimensions, but I seem to remember they are parsed weird. Almost like dimension_groups. So you might keep that in mind.

Also, when changing field names, the alias parameter can be a godsend, albeit, a bit buggy.

Kind regards,

Thnx that is a good reply, I’ll definately check it out.

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