Google Cloud Examination Pricing in India

In Indian pricing, there is a significant skill-based cost, and with the exchange rate of $1 = 82 rupees, an average father's monthly income is around 10,000 rupees. How can we make these exams affordable? Please consider setting a middle-ground price that aligns with the average income in India. This will encourage more individuals to pursue cloud examination certifications, and in turn, I plan to train students in these skills.

Coursera offers certificates, but they lack practical experience. On the other hand, Arcade has a points system, and I have attempted The Arcade Certification Zone to rank in the top 20. However, time constraints often lead to incomplete attempts. It's essential to notify candidates well in advance. Many companies demand skills from the average Indian student, but the students are not adequately prepared for such certifications and training.

I aspire to initiate a revolution for Indian students to learn technology development. The average BTech student lacks exposure to research and development in India, yet they need jobs. This scenario seems impossible to overcome. Let's work together to make the prices more affordable and accessible for Indian students.

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Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi @kasinadhsarma,

Thank you for sharing your feedback on your experience with The Arcade and the certification testing process. We'll make sure to pass it along to the learning team. If you haven't already, take a look at the the Google Cloud Innovators Program. Some of the benefits include access to exclusive learning resources and other member's only opportunities to help you grow as Cloud Professional. Let me know if you need help navigating that! 

You have some impressive aspirations and we believe Community is a great support system to aid you along your learning journey. Be sure to sure to check out our Learning & Certification Hub where members share best practices on preparing for certifications, stay up to date on what’s next with Google Cloud, and network with similar goals.

Keep us posted on your progress!


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Thank you, Rodrick, for the response, and thank you for these opportunities.


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Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi @kasinadhsarma,

Thank you for sharing your feedback on your experience with The Arcade and the certification testing process. We'll make sure to pass it along to the learning team. If you haven't already, take a look at the the Google Cloud Innovators Program. Some of the benefits include access to exclusive learning resources and other member's only opportunities to help you grow as Cloud Professional. Let me know if you need help navigating that! 

You have some impressive aspirations and we believe Community is a great support system to aid you along your learning journey. Be sure to sure to check out our Learning & Certification Hub where members share best practices on preparing for certifications, stay up to date on what’s next with Google Cloud, and network with similar goals.

Keep us posted on your progress!


Thank you, Rodrick, for the response, and thank you for these opportunities.

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