Credits to share

Hello All,

I hope you all doing well. I have some credits to share, feel free to message me directly or leave comment.

Taker care


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11 58 942

Hey there I am new here and as some labs require credits can you please share 30 credits to complete my labs
This is my profile I will wait for your dm Thanks.

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I am out of credits and need some credits to complete labs... if can give me 10-20 credits also, the would be good. 

Here's my profile :

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I have contacted all that commented so far and for the moment I cannot add any more users to this shared group.

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Hi, dear Agnieszka! If it's possible, share with me 28 credits to help me complete the Google Cloud Analytic Certificate course

I'm a real person, my profile

Thanks in advance

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Dear Sir/Ma'am ,

 I am currently working on completing my Google Quicklab Learning Path, an essential aspect of my professional development. However, I am facing a challenge as I lack sufficient credits to complete the required labs.

I kindly request your assistance in providing me with the necessary credits to successfully finish my learning path. Your support would greatly contribute to my skill development and help me achieve my learning goals efficiently.

I assure you that I am committed to utilizing these credits responsibly to enhance my knowledge and expertise in the relevant areas.

Thank you for considering my request. I genuinely appreciate your support and assistance in this matter.

Warm regards,


Need : 100 credits

EMAIL ID: <PII removed by staff>
please provide me some credit as i wanna game some knowledge after exams but lack due to credut

Hey, I would be very thankful if you could share some credits with me.

Thanks in advance 🙂

Hi there,

                 I am Thoufeeq. I need atleast 30 credits for my course Google Cloud Computing Foundations with Kubernetes from . I have missed my opportunity to use the access code from the mail. so, please help me.

"Hey! Seeking 10 Google Cloud Platform credits to explore and learn. If you can spare any, I'd greatly appreciate it! Here's my profile link:

Thanks a bunch! 😊"


Could you share around 20 credits with me? I require them to complete labs for certification exam preparation.

Thank You.

Hi could you please send 15 credits so i can complete my ongoing skill badge please it would really help

this is my cloudskillboost account

hi as i was new to arcade game i need 20 credit points to complete my lab could u please share me

this is my link:

Hello, Thank you for this iniative !!

I'm Looking for 21 credits to complete a lab about IaaC + 13 credits for the Lab : build website on cloud Run

Total: 34 credits  (Any additional credits I will appreciate it a lot‌‌)

Profil link :   

Thank you in advance.

Heyy , I need 30 credits to solve different lab

Here's my profile:

Hey I want 80 credits for completing skill lab and earn the skill badges could you please help me to complete those by giving the credits would be very thankful to you. 🙂

My profile id is :


Hey agi83, 

I need 50 credits to complete the cloud labs. Actually, My credits are remaining less as credits are required to start labs, hence unable to proceed further. If you still have some credits to share please consider me first It would be of great help.

Thank You

Hello, I'm Khurshid in need of 10 credits to successfully complete my Google Cloud Computation lab. Would it be possible for you to kindly share them with me? It would be greatly appreciated if you could provide me with 10 credits. Thank you in advance for your assistance.

DM me your mail.

Sorry, I don't know how can I DM you
My mail :- <PII removed by staff>

Hey there, I am new here and as some labs require credits can you please share 50 credits to complete my labs
This is my profile I will wait for your dm Thanks. Please share if you have. 

Profile Link :

Hi, dear Agnieszka! If it's possible, share with me 28 credits to help me complete the Google Cloud Analytic Certificate course

I'm a real person, my profile

Thanks in advance

Please share some credits need to complete one course for big query. 

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