Google Cloud Outage

Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi GCC members - 

My name is Willie and I'm on the Google Cloud Community team. Thank you for your patience while we iron out the issues with the Google Cloud outage in Europe. The appropriate Google teams are working on a solution. Service availability is tracked in this status dashboard:

After the incident is resolved, we will provide final details in our incident report that will be published on our Public Status Dashboard. 

Thank you for your patience.


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Hi Willie, 

the communication on this incident looks like a long dark tunnel... when will we have a miminum of visibility on the damages and actions taken?

We have instances "under repair" in the console. We don't know if we should wait or redo some work.

Thank you


Hi @Nico_Kasual - thanks for hanging tight. Apologies for any frustration this is causing you or your teams. I looked through this documentation and I found that - 

If you have VMs that are showing "REPAIR", those are VMs impacted by the outage. You can create new VMs in the same zone, or delete and create a VM with the same name, but that VM will not come up again automatically until our recovery is complete, for which there is no ETA. The disk backing that VM will also be unavailable until repairs are finished.
I hope this helps. Thanks, Willie
