Cannot run even the simplest app in Cloud Run via GitHub/Dockerfile


I am trying to learn how humans should use your Cloud Run service and keep failing. I have a GitHub repo that contains a single file `Dockerfile` that has:

FROM python:3.12-alpine
ENTRYPOINT ["python", "-m", "http.server", "-d", "/tmp", "8080"]

It works fine locally of course but when I try to create a Cloud Run service it shows me the default placeholder "Oops.." which exposes my project ID -- security by obscurity in its finest, anyone?

I don't change anything in the service apart allowing unauth access. Deploy via push fails, but GitHub status does not update so the queue of deploy tasks just grows with each push. Link to the deploy log fails, says cannot find the log. Deploying manually just gives the placeholder that I don't want but there is no way to opt-out from it? (Edit: since then I figured out that I was manually re-deploying the placeholder container all along, not saying that it's an expected behavior nor a nice feature)

This is such a horrible DX. I sincerely hope you realize it. But still it's better than what I experienced using your Python SDK (no docs, bizarre api) and trying to deploy App Engine and Functions.

Cloud Run is not even an option in the label list here. Good thing it's Friday today and one can just chill.

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I should probably mention that I am using a free trial account. I would expect it not affect anything but at this stage I would not be surprised at all.

Also, I gave up on using Cloud Build without Dockerfile since there was no way to know why it was failing. I thought Dockerfile would help me, but no.

Well, I could try to make a container with your `pack` cli and try to see what's going on there. Hopefully, it's the way to go forward.

Could you please ban bot user `pfilourenco` that likes everything anyone posts. Annoying.

To add to the rant -- I have tried multiple times to set user avatar here but you just keep resetting it to my google user's one. At this point I start to suspect that you fired all your testers in recent lay offs and things just go to shit now.

Funny, that when I share the link to this thread in Slack, I get a preview using text from the first comment instead of the original question. Off-by-one error now too?

Oh I see what's going on now - service uses the default placeholder container so my manual deploys just redeploy it. I have to use push, but it fails and there is no way to know why.

At least I made it to work via CLI and it gives some hope


# Note: It expects env var PROJECT to be set before running make commands!
# Example: PROJECT=my-123 make setup

REGION = europe-west1
ZONE = b
REPO = test-repo
APP = test-app


PLATFORM = $(shell uname -m | grep -q 'arm64' && echo '--platform linux/arm64')

setup: auth config-set
@docker rm -f ${GCLOUD_CONTAINER} 2>/dev/null || true
auth: remove-existing-container
docker run -ti ${PLATFORM} -v .:/app -w /app --name ${GCLOUD_CONTAINER} ${GCLOUD_IMG} \
gcloud auth login --brief
docker start ${GCLOUD_CONTAINER}
test -n "${PROJECT}" || (echo "PROJECT env var not set"; exit 1)
${GCLOUD} config set core/project ${PROJECT}
${GCLOUD} config set compute/region ${REGION}
${GCLOUD} config set compute/zone ${REGION}-$(subst ${REGION}-,,${ZONE})
make config-list
${GCLOUD} config list


PROJECT_NUMBER = $(shell ${GCLOUD} projects describe ${PROJECT} --format='value(projectNumber)')

${GCLOUD} artifacts repositories list --location=${REGION} | grep -q ${REPO} || \
${GCLOUD} artifacts repositories create ${REPO} --project=${PROJECT} \
--repository-format=docker --location=${REGION}

${GCLOUD} artifacts repositories list

${GCLOUD} builds submit --region=${REGION} --tag ${APP_IMG}

grant-run-admin: # Grant the Cloud Run Admin role to the Cloud Build service account
${GCLOUD} projects add-iam-policy-binding ${PROJECT} \
--member=serviceAccount:${SERVICE_ACCOUNT} --role=roles/run.admin

grant-service: # Grant the IAM Service Account User role to the Cloud Build service account for the Cloud Run runtime service account
${GCLOUD} iam service-accounts add-iam-policy-binding ${COMPUTE_ACCOUNT} \
--member=serviceAccount:${SERVICE_ACCOUNT} --role=roles/iam.serviceAccountUser

${GCLOUD} run deploy cloudrunservice --image ${APP_IMG} --region ${REGION} \
--platform managed --allow-unauthenticated

build-and-deploy: repo-create build grant-run-admin grant-service deploy

Make sure your port is open (use 8080 or 80) and a Dockerfile like below. Clone your git code into cloud shell then build it into a container (there are guides for this). Then push it to the artifact registry. Then when creating cloud run service, simply select the docker image in the registry and it should work.


FROM node:alpine
RUN mkdir /app
COPY package.json /app
RUN npm install
COPY . /app
CMD ["npm", "start"]
Note: this is nodejs not python.

It's funny how

1. They didn't listen and did not ban this weird bot liking everything
2. Make it extra hard to deploy the dumbest app ever and you have to decipher how all that works

I'm in the same situation and I find that super annoying as well. I just want to have a kind of hello world app running from Github to Google Cloud Run and it fails without logs. Why do you make it so complicated?