Looker cannot connect with my data

I have a csv file that the file size is only 20MB. But for some reason, looker cannot connect with my data. Already change to UTF-8 format also the same. Please help.

Sorry, we couldn't create your data set. Please refresh the page or try again in a little while.

3 8 1,231

I am having the same issue since Tuesday

 Sorry, We couldn't create your data set. Please refresh the page or try again in a little while.

I'm having the same issue: Sorry, we couldn't create your data set. Please refresh the page or try again in a little while.

Same here - and it appears the looker studio community forum currently has the posting option disabled - so cannot post any issues there. There was an announcement post saying the forum was under maintenance but it's dated 2 weeks ago. So frustrating. 

Bronze 1
Bronze 1

Same Issue here,,,,

I'm seeing the same issue. For context, the procedure described below is an operation that I do weekly, and this is the first time I've encountered this error.

Steps to recreate:

  1. visit existing Data Source
  2. click "EDIT CONNECTION"
  3. click "CREATE A NEW DATA SET"
  4. attempt to upload a CSV file (via drag or click "CLICK TO UPLOAD FILES")
  5. see error message: "Sorry, we couldn't create your data set. Please refresh the page or try again in a little while."
  6. looking at the Chrome (Version 122.0.6261.94 (Official Build) (x86_64)network tab, I see a fast 403 after a POST request to https://lookerstudio.google.com/analytics/dataimport/configservice/DATA_STUDIO/REFERENCE/datasourcew...

Things I've tried without success:

  1. log out of Google account, log back in, reattempt steps described above
  2. attempt using a different user account
  3. reattempt with a smaller file
  4. remove older Data Sets

I'm able to add CSV files to existing data sets. Also able to create new data sets with google sheets... so this seems to be isolated to creating new data sets with CSV files. This has happened in the past and it has been an issue on google's end... so nothing we can do until google fixes the issue. My only concern is whether or not they actually know it's an issue... 

I've created a defect report in the Google Issue Tracker here: https://issuetracker.google.com/issues/328026884

If you're having similar issues, I recommend that you:

  1. visit the link above
  2. upvote the issue using the +1 button
  3. add a comment with your observations and further details

thank you! I forgot about issue tracker... ugh

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