Chart Cross-Filtering Not Working

Hi everyone. For the last couple of days, I've noticed that cross-filtering from charts is not working. When I click on a number in my chart, the scorecards and table don't filter to the numbers. However, when I click a value in my table, all the scorecards and the charts are filtered. I of course have cross-filtering enabled. Do we know what's going on? Is this an issue the looker team is aware of?

1 5 3,698

Hi, same issue here, I just discovered cross filtering was broken on my dashboard.

When I go over a chart, I can initially select a slice, then after a second I cannot. happens only on pie charts. happens in different browsers (brave, chrome) and I get at the same time this error in the console: 

m=pm_base:1732 ERROR TypeError: Cannot convert undefined or null to object
at Function.keys (<anonymous>)
at lg_IJ.Wa (m=sy9,syc,syy,sy5,sy3,syi,syr,sy8,syv,sy6,sy7,syf,syg,syh,syw,syb,syq,sy12,sy13,sy16,syk,sy4,syz,sy10,syx,syl,sye,sy15,syo,syu,sy1e,sy1,sy2,sya,syj,sym,syn,syp,sys,syt,sy11,sy14,sy17,sy18,sy19,sy1d,sy1h,sy1w,sy0,sy1g,sy1i,sy21,syd,sy1c,sy1q,sy1f,sy1j,sy1z,sy1x,sy22,sy1o,sy1p,sy20,sy1k,sy23,sy1a,sy1n,sy1l,sy1s,sy1m,sy1r,sy1t,sy1u,sy1v,sy1y,sy24,sy2h,sy2i,sy2j,sy1b,sy2g,pm_reporting_view_manager:864:209)
at _.lg_CK.refresh (m=sy9,syc,syy,sy5,sy3,syi,syr,sy8,syv,sy6,sy7,syf,syg,syh,syw,syb,syq,sy12,sy13,sy16,syk,sy4,syz,sy10,syx,syl,sye,sy15,syo,syu,sy1e,sy1,sy2,sya,syj,sym,syn,syp,sys,syt,sy11,sy14,sy17,sy18,sy19,sy1d,sy1h,sy1w,sy0,sy1g,sy1i,sy21,syd,sy1c,sy1q,sy1f,sy1j,sy1z,sy1x,sy22,sy1o,sy1p,sy20,sy1k,sy23,sy1a,sy1n,sy1l,sy1s,sy1m,sy1r,sy1t,sy1u,sy1v,sy1y,sy24,sy2h,sy2i,sy2j,sy1b,sy2g,pm_reporting_view_manager:1373:147)
at _.lg_W_b.tick (m=sy9,syc,syy,sy5,sy3,syi,syr,sy8,syv,sy6,sy7,syf,syg,syh,syw,syb,syq,sy12,sy13,sy16,syk,sy4,syz,sy10,syx,syl,sye,sy15,syo,syu,sy1e,sy1,sy2,sya,syj,sym,syn,syp,sys,syt,sy11,sy14,sy17,sy18,sy19,sy1d,sy1h,sy1w,sy0,sy1g,sy1i,sy21,syd,sy1c,sy1q,sy1f,sy1j,sy1z,sy1x,sy22,sy1o,sy1p,sy20,sy1k,sy23,sy1a,sy1n,sy1l,sy1s,sy1m,sy1r,sy1t,sy1u,sy1v,sy1y,sy24,sy2h,sy2i,sy2j,sy1b,sy2g,pm_reporting_view_manager:1297:452)
at _.lg_ol.<anonymous> (m=sy9,syc,syy,sy5,sy3,syi,syr,sy8,syv,sy6,sy7,syf,syg,syh,syw,syb,syq,sy12,sy13,sy16,syk,sy4,syz,sy10,syx,syl,sye,sy15,syo,syu,sy1e,sy1,sy2,sya,syj,sym,syn,syp,sys,syt,sy11,sy14,sy17,sy18,sy19,sy1d,sy1h,sy1w,sy0,sy1g,sy1i,sy21,syd,sy1c,sy1q,sy1f,sy1j,sy1z,sy1x,sy22,sy1o,sy1p,sy20,sy1k,sy23,sy1a,sy1n,sy1l,sy1s,sy1m,sy1r,sy1t,sy1u,sy1v,sy1y,sy24,sy2h,sy2i,sy2j,sy1b,sy2g,pm_reporting_view_manager:1297:192)
at lg_oMa (m=pm_base:1412:229)
at _.lg_.dispatchEvent (m=pm_base:1410:401)
at _.lg_.Hpb (m=pm_base:1438:181)
at n.<computed> (m=pm_base:254:416)
at q.zL (m=pm_base:1683:110)
at Object.bT (m=pm_base:323:263)
at q.zL (m=pm_base:1683:69)
at n.c$ (m=pm_base:1675:303)
at r.zL (m=pm_base:1684:486)
at invoke (m=pm_base:1684:391)



Same Issue from my end. Only happens on the Pie Chart. It was working perfectly before. I tried to delete and recreate the pie chart still the same. 

This is what I noticed. I can hover the mouse the first time I refreshed the page then this error will be shown in the console. 


m=pm_base:1730 ERROR TypeError: Cannot convert undefined or null to object
at Function.keys (<anonymous>)

After that the pie chart will not be clickable anymore. 


I'm getting the same issue but without an error message I'm just seeing that I have a few seconds to click on an item to filter and then the function becomes unresponsive, I have to reset and quickly filter before it seems to time out. Once timed out it only highlights the percentages.

Any fixes as of yet? 

FYI: as a temporary workaround I use column charts instead.

Yes, for now I used column chart as well.

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