how to create static column and column value in looker

I want to create a static column and also want to insert my own 10 values as rows data. how will i do that in looker explore? 

0 3 1,088

Create a table calculation and provide your static value, example "ABC". This value will appear next other fields in your explore as a constant value.

Connect your model with the database which holds the 10 values to fetch them in the explore. If there is no connection available then you can go by the table calc way. 

table calculation is not possible in my case as table calculation  only possible if i am deriving the values from others fields/dimensions. but i want to insert my own values.

for an example:

I want create one field name called: "bucket names" and also insert my own vales like "autopricing","non-autopricing" etc. how will i do that

bucket names
auto pricing 

Inserting values like this directly into looker is not a viable option.

I would suggest prepare an excel with list of all the values and get this excel imported into your database. The database will create a table holding these values. Connect your looker model to this table and later call them in your explore.