Looker API does not return Lookml dashboards information with pagination support

Looker API does not return Lookml dashboards information with pagination support.

  1. We are using dashboard search calls which does not return LookerML dashboards:




*Blocker here is - get all dashboards API doesn't have any filtering depending upon the folder_id in which folder these dashboards are present. There is no support for pagination params though 

limit, offset and folder_id

Option 3 -


API get folder dashboards where we can provide folder_id as path variable but no support for pagination parameters.

limit and offset

Is there any Looker API that returns UDD as well as LookML dashboards for a given folder_id with pagination params support. ?




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If you query the folder id 'lookml' you will get a list of the lookml dashboards. There is a sample in https://github.com/looker-open-source/gzr/blob/main/lib/gzr/commands/folder/ls.rb#L70-L75

Hi @Dr__Strangelove 

We would want all the dashboards irrespective of lookml or user-defined dashboards inside a folder with folderID. 


That too from either dashboard search API or dashboard get all API

I'm not fully understanding. All LookML dashboards show up in their own special folder with the id 'lookml'. They don't show up mixed with other dashboards in any folder. 

Thank you Dr_Strangelove for the response, we understand that we can identify the Looker ML Folder with the id. However, my query is more related to LookML dashboards.

We are looking for a way to paginate the results of LookML Dashboards using Looker API 4.0.

e.g. using limit and offset query parameters

Is there any Looker API that returns UDD as well as LookML dashboards for a given folder_id with pagination params support ?

There is no API call that supports pagination that will return LookML dashboards. In every case that I'm familiar with, the number of LookML dashboards is small compared to the number of UDD, so this hasn't been seen as an important feature.


Noted but can you please elaborate or share more details on the volume/count in a typical scenario, when you say ,

"the number of LookML dashboards is small compared to the number of UDD"

Can you please let us know the max count of LookML dashboards we can expect to have in a typical scenario ?

This is important to know whether or not there is any risk in trying to invoke an API that does not support pagination and but can return a larger data in the response choking clients.

LookML dashboards are created by LookML developers, stored in git projects, and managed like explores and views. I've never seen a real life scenario with more than a few dozen.

UDDs are created by users, not developers. They can easily number in the thousands.

Thank you for sharing, this does give us an understanding of what might go wrong on the client side.

A client calling these Looker APIs to get LookML dashboards metadata cannot really be implemented with this assumption of being only dozen or similar count.

Support for pagination params would be of great help and useful both not to choke server or client in case of larger count of LookML dashboards. e.g. A Looker user not following best practices while using LookML dashboards.

Please submit this as a feature request from the help menu on your Looker instance.