Loading a new dashboard with filters

We are using the Embed SDK to load dashboards in an iframe inside our existing platform. We are trying to bring navigation outside of the iframe in our web app, but also apply some global filters coming from outside the iframe to be passed down to all dashboards when they load. 

We can successfully load a dashboard, then change filters from outside the iframe and reload the dashboard with the new filter applied. But we are trying to trigger loading of new dashboards from our navigation menu, using dashboard:load, that works, but we cannot find a way to specify the filters that should be applied when loading. So we are stuck at calling dashboard:load, then setFilters, then dashboard:run again, which really isn’t optimal, and sometimes buggy. I’m sure we’re not the first ones trying to get this working, does anyone have a solution?

First example use-case is a global “Imperial/Metric” toggle that should be passed down to all dashboards. Once the user has selected either value, all future dashboards should be loaded with the proper filter applied already. 


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When constructing your SSO url you can append filters as name/value pairs on the dashboard URL.  So instead of /dashboard/1234  you can do /dashboard/1234?unit=Imperial.

Thanks, that is fine for the initial load, but we have a menu to then navigate between dashboards (external to the iframe). I do not want to re-authenticate on our back-end and create a new embed-url each time. That is why loadDashboard is convenient, but it only allows id parameter, not URL and no filters can be passed in.