LAMS LookML Linter - Rule Sandbox

From my interactions with the community, I think one of the more appreciated features of the Look At Me Sideways (LAMS) LookML linter is the ability to provide concise custom rules.

However, it’s always been a bit of an arcane art, with very limited tooling, and lots of trial and error. And perhaps more error than not.

Today, that changes! I just released LAMS Rule Sandbox, a single-page app that will let you interactively write and test LAMS custom rules:


If you’re using LAMS, or are interested, give this new tool a spin, and let me know what you think!

(If you’re not yet set up with your own rules, you can load a sample project from the “About” section just to kick the tires.)

PS. I’ve also recently released some other features for LAMS, which you can review in the v2.x release notes.

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We are setting up LAMS to use with our Looker Projects. It is really helpful, but I find I can’t use this sand box tool because I can’t reformat lookml to the required format.

Hey there! We are trying to setup LAMS in our Looker projects, as it seems very useful to us. I want to test a custom rule and used the example above. I first generated the Project JSON, based on an example explore/view/model in our existing Looker Project, and added that in the PROJECT section, where it says "Project ready". Now I try to inspect the example rule above (copied the exact code) but it keeps on saying "No matches found for the provided Match expression". Could you help me what might be going wrong here? Thanks a lot in advance!

@anique_trip-163 For some reason, I don't receive notifications for comments on this post? So, thanks for tagging me by name in the other one...

Anyway, hopefully you have been able to get this to work for you? If not, please let me know

@Preston_Dev Likewise, sorry I did not see your message earlier. Hopefully you are still finding LAMS useful. The required format should be reproduceable with the `lookml-parser` package, as described under the sandbox's "About" tab.