Nested virtualization


When creating a "workstation configuration", it's possible to add this machine setting: "Enable nested virtualization"

I'm having trouble seeing how this parameter can be used in the context of Google Cloud Workstation.

At first, I was trying to run minikube with kvm driver:

minikube start --driver=kvm2

Unfortunately, it is not working even in a workstation with nested virtualization enabled and I was not completely surprised because I believe there is some incompatibilities with this minikube driver running in a container.

So I have two questions:

- is it possible to run minikube with kvm driver in a workstation ?

- if not, can you describe a benefit / real use-case of enabling nested virtualization for cloud workstation ? 

Thank you



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Hello @erict ,

Here is a 3rd-party documentation of steps on how to install Minikube in a compute engine vm. On the said documentation, some pre-requisites were provided before installing minikube.