Help end users get started with the Google Workspace User Training Guide



Looking for the latest on Google Workspace end user training? Are you onboarding new employees? Help teams get the most out of Google Workspace with our User Training Guide.

This comprehensive resource covers the basics of using Google Workspace and includes resources from instructor-led training collateral to self-serve end user learning pathways. End users can boost their skills and earn badges along the way!

See below for the full scoop or if you'd like a takeaway, see the attached document and make a copy for you and your organization.

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You have view-only access to the slide decks, but you can copy and modify them to meet the needs of your training sessions. You may use Google’s content as allowed by these terms and any service-specific additional terms, but we retain any intellectual property rights that we have in our content. Don’t remove, obscure, or alter any of our branding, logos, or legal notices. If you want to use our branding or logos, please see the Google Brand Permissions page.


Getting Started with Google Workspace has nine courses. The instructor-led (ILT) courses are aimed at anyone that wants to learn more about how Google Workspace can make them more productive and efficient in their role. Designed to be delivered in person, or virtually (vILT), each course focuses on a core Google Workspace service. Each course can be delivered in approximately half a day with the flexibility to combine courses to create a suitable training schedule. 

Courses can be completed in any order, but we recommend the following sequence: 

  • Gmail
  • Google Calendar
  • Google Drive
  • Google Docs
  • Google Sheets (Basic)
  • Google Slides
  • Google Meet
  • Google Chat
  • Google Sheets (Advanced Topics)

Instructor-Led Training Resources

The courses are intended for end users from customers who are new to the world of Google Workspace. By the end of the course, the student will be proficient in the use of the core applications: Gmail, Calendar, Docs, Sheets, Slides, Drive, Chat and Meet. They will learn how to manage mail and schedules effectively; create, manage and share content in Google Drive, and become more productive through the use of the collaboration features that are an integral and defining part of Google Workspace.

  1. ILT Overview
    The Getting Started with Google Workspace ILT training resources referenced below can be found in this public folder.

  2. Instructor Guide 
    Read the Instructor Guide for the course you are delivering carefully. This document provides an overview of the course, including information about the hands-on activities, overall timing and tips for instructors on how to deliver the course effectively. The Instructor Guide is in the “Instructor Resources” folder for each course.

  3. Course Slides
    Familiarize yourself with the official course slides, paying special attention to the speaker notes. Each course has a separate presentation. Google Slides presentations are in the “Instructor Resources” folder for each course.

  4. Student Workbooks 
    Familiarize yourself with the Student Workbook. Each course has its own separate workbook. ILT/vILT Student Guides can be found in the “Student Resources” folder for each course.

  5. Online Course
    Optionally, watch the recorded version of the course on Google Cloud Skills Boost free of charge. Though slightly different then the instructor-led version you’ll be delivering, it has similar topics/slides and will give you context for what business professionals need to know. 

  6. Teachbacks (optional but recommended)
    Teach each lesson to someone else to practice your delivery of the module.  
  1.  Co-teach (optional but recommended)
    Deliver the class with another instructor who has taught the class before, as this allows you to practice in a live environment. 

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Community Manager
Community Manager

This is a great guide! Highly recommend everyone checking it out. Thanks @Gigi 🙌

Silver 5
Silver 5

Amazing, thank you to everyone who has contributed to this!

Bronze 5
Bronze 5

This is great!!!

Bronze 1
Bronze 1

Agradecido por el contenido.


Bronze 5
Bronze 5

These resources are amazing - absolutely love the focus on end user training

Bronze 1
Bronze 1

Very help! Currently in the process of building out a new workspace for our organization and this solves all of my needs in creating a digital onboarding plan for a new team members!

Thank you for taking the time to do this!!

Silver 1
Silver 1

NICE NICE!! As a trainer great resource... Thank you.

Bronze 1
Bronze 1

Hi @gbaffi 

"Thanks for sharing these resources!
They're super useful for our new employees and anyone looking to boost their skills with Google Workspace.
We'll make sure to put them to good use."
