Urgent: Images Not Displaying in App and TCP Provider Error 35

A critical issue that has arisen within our suite of applications. As of today, none of the images from our Object Stores are being displayed in any of our apps. This problem is perplexing because the apps themselves are loading without any error messages, and the data continues to be pulled through as expected. Just yesterday, all applications were functioning correctly, and no updates have been made since then that could have potentially caused this issue.

Additionally, this morning we encountered a 'TCP Provider Error 35' during our initial inspection. This error was associated with the pre-login handshake. Given that the applications were operational yesterday, the sudden onset of this problem is quite concerning and seems to indicate a potential issue with the backend services.

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Hello there,

Have you tried contacting support?

View solution in original post

Thank you, I've already reached out to support.

I'm logging in now to provide an update on the issue we encountered. It seems there was a handshake problem between AppSheet and our SQL Server, likely triggered by a recent update from Microsoft.

View solution in original post


Hello there,

Have you tried contacting support?

Thank you, I've already reached out to support.

I'm logging in now to provide an update on the issue we encountered. It seems there was a handshake problem between AppSheet and our SQL Server, likely triggered by a recent update from Microsoft.

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