Slow in app UI and Chrome pages becoming unresponsive

I have a fairly large application, ~40 objects with some of the larger tables being 15 columns and over 100,000 rows.  I have dozens of behaviors and automation in my app, some write new records, update data, send emails, and sometimes all of those are grouped together. My app consistently has ~30 users who are on the app from 9-5 working on the data. 

I have recently had some critical issues that are hurting both my and my user's AppSheet experience.  For starters, the dev UI has become extremely slow, for example, it can take up to 1 minute just to add a new column to a view or rearrange existing ones.  While I am doing dev I also will get the chrome "Page Unresponsive" error where I can either wait or reload the application, putting all of my changes at risk.  Also, when I save the app sometimes the whole Chrome page will crash.  The users of my app are also having a similar experience, some of the behaviors that write data will cause the page to crash.  The page can become unresponsive or crash while data is syncing causing them to lose information.  They have also been experiencing very very slow UI.  For example, if they click on a ref field to take them to the detailed view it can some upwards of several minutes just for the view to load, if the page does not crash.

I am actively looking for ways to refactor parts of my application like hourly scheduled automation for emails and data updates rather than immediate triggers when say the status column is changed to something and adding additional security filters to reduce the overall amount of data loaded during sync.

Any thoughts people have here would be greatly appreciated.


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What are you using as a data source? 

@AleksiAlkio i am on a cloud sql backend

So.. then that's not the reason. Have you tried to reduce the data amount with the security filter.. and with formulas that are pushed to SQL query?

@AleksiAlkio I have several security filters across my app already. Without them I was getting back a parsererror and my app would not load.  I have come to find though that sometimes additional security filters can slow down my app even further if they require references or select statements.

@j_witty wrote:

They have also been experiencing very very slow UI.  For example, if they click on a ref field to take them to the detailed view it can some upwards of several minutes just for the view to load, if the page does not crash.

Would you be able to give us a screenshot of the definition for that detail view?  Does it have any other _Inline objects such as tables/decks displayed on it?  How many items have you set as a default for display in those inline views?

It would be a good start to try and help you troubleshoot.

and.. if the app chrashes, it's normally a memory issue in that device.

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