Por Favor: Keep the INPUT() formula syntax ๐Ÿ™


This leads one to believe that the formula will be expired out, meaning we can't use the formula syntax.

  • If this is true, then that means that we've now got to use the inputs down in the Advanced section.

This presents a potential significant increase in the number of clicks it takes to get to the same point.


Let's consider how long it takes to setup 1 input column using the two different methods.

Formula Syntax

By this I mean using `INPUT("Column_Name", starting_value_formula)`

  • Number of clicks: 2
  • Number of typing: 1 
    • One to open the formula space
    • type in the formula
    • Click the save button

New Advanced Inputs

By this I mean using the input fields down in the advanced section


  • Number of clicks: 8
  • Number of typing: 3 
    • One to create a new input option (in the advanced section)
    • One to get into the name field
    • type
    • One to select the type dropdown
    • One to select the type
    • One to enter the formula space for the input
    • type in the formula/default value
    • Click the save button
    • One to open the formula space on the column data set entry
    • type in the input formula
    • click the save button


You can see how this is a HUGE "dev overhead" burden you're introducing with this... yes?

It's my sincere hope that the formula syntax will NOT be expired out, and that the two systems will be propagated forward together - presenting yet another reason why AppSheet is superior to other no/low-code platforms - multiple ways to do the same thing. ๐Ÿ’ช This sort of flexibility is what makes the AppSheet platform preferable to others, as there's never really a wall you can hit - you can always back up and try another route.

Thank you for your consideration!

10 20 458

Let's say that the formula syntax is expired out, and we're now forced to use the input entries in the Advanced section.

What happens to the dev experience for the following:

  • We need to create an input action to allow someone to modify the settings for their Avatar entry (see more here).


You can see that there's several fields that we now need to set an input for.

  • How many in total: 16

My original thought to speed things up was that I can create a singular "blank" input variable, using this as the default for each of the fields - meaning for me (the developer), all that I need to do is make the one input, copy the formula and paste it into each of the columns.

  • But I want each of the input fields to start with whatever value is already there - not opening to a blank value.
  • This means that I need to create an input for each field... ๐Ÿ‘€

So that means that for each 16 of these, I've got 8 clicks and 3 typing to do - resulting in a total of 128 clicks and 38 typing sessions.



For reference: with the formula we can automate the entire process; you can use a macro recorder to record the typing and screen clicks (which allows you to get the name of the column we're setting a value for (from the expression assistant)).

This lets me setup the INPUT() formula for each column by triggering my macro - which takes less than a second to process.

In practice, this process allows me to setup the INPUT() formula for all of these columns like this in less than 60 seconds.


  • I vaguely remember making a post about this at one point... not sure if it's still easily found though.



If I were forced to use the advanced input sections... it would take much longer than 60 seconds - I think we can all agree on that.


DEAR AppSheet team,

Just wanted to share the sheer volume of actions being generated by just one app using input(). It's pretty mind-boggling when you think about all the other apps out there with their own set of actions and columns. It's definitely something thats going to be really really bad for us @MultiTech 

Screen Recording 2024-04-02 at 16.13.00.gif

I agree 100%, as the utility of using INPUT() grows, as we find new and clever uses for the system, the number of actions will grow as well.

  • But maybe some of these input actions might be combined together through sending a user to a form of some kind, and controlling the show-if settings in clever ways.

Best thing about AppSheet....

Always another way (matrix) - reduced.gif

Is AppSheet still stuck on the idea of creating small, two-page mobile apps with only five tables? Our team creates apps on a larger scale, with potentially 50+ tables. It's important for the AppSheet team to understand all this.

Hopefully they listen to us this time...

@MultiTech What's your plan of action for this situation? It seems like the AppSheet team is not responding as usual. 

Well if they do sunset the formula syntax, and switch over to the input variable system, then there's really not much that can be done; we will just have to suck it up and use the new system. โ”โ (โ  โ ห˜โ _โ ห˜โ )โ โ”Œ 

Yes, this means that there is a significant increase in the amount of time it will take me to configure an input action, especially if I have more than just a handful of columns I wish to affect, but the new system brings with it different ways in which we can utilize the input variables. 

Time will tell.

The formula syntax has already stopped working in my apps weeks ago. When it stops, you get no errors at all, values just stop passing through the INPUT() function, and you just, silently, get the default values in your columns. Luckily, I've got errors due to default values failing Valid-if conditions. I had to change all automations using the new "Advanced ๐Ÿ™„" section method. 

I'm really scared of this situation. Each app has around 100 actions and I've got a bunch of apps.๐Ÿคฏ

If they just run a simple script in the background, they could easily convert all of those old ones into new ones. If they don't, it could be a total disaster. It seems like they don't realize how big of an impact this could have.

@Joseph_Seddik wrote:

When it stops, you get no errors at all,

Yikes!!! ๐Ÿ˜จ

@Rifad wrote:

I'm really scared of this situation. Each app has around 100 actions and I've got a bunch of apps.๐Ÿคฏ

Same... I've got I don't know how many INPUT() formulas throughout I don't know how many apps.  

  • Been using that formula for awhile now..... it's kinda all over the place.


But if they just turn the lights off, and everything reverts to default values (and therefore essentially "breaks" for the context of what's going on for each action).... I guess it's my fault for not taking the time to go through all my apps, and all the apps I'm collaborating on, and looking for all the input actions and making all these updates.

  • It would only take, I don't know, maybe 2 to 5 hours. 
  • I got that lying around, nothing else important that I could spend that half-day doing. ๐Ÿ™„ Oi vey


Who knows... maybe they'll get some of that Ai they're all busy working on, and get it to make these changes for us.

Same! And not knowing how many actions having this, and where, I had to download 20-30MB app definition PDFs and text search for INPUT. 

One important point Iโ€™ve just remembered. In case of automation, youโ€™ll have to update both of the actions pair, not just the one with the formula. 

For example, if you have an input variable called newValue, it will NOT be sufficient to just remove the formula and replace it with an โ€œAdvancedโ€ setting. It will not work. You will have to save then go to the calling action, where youโ€™ll find two inputs with the same name โ€œnewValueโ€ one of them is selected (corresponding to the old formula). Youโ€™ll then have to select the other one that is not selected. 

It will not, unfortunately, be half a day. I spent some 14 hours on this. 

They should create a method to migrate to the new input without requiring us to do it all manually

They have the ability to do it, but they probably won't. I think a simple script on the backend could easily fix the problem.

@lizlynch would you pls help us on this?

1. We need to have automated migration to the new INPUT method. Developers should not be expected to go through all of their actions and manually update them one by one. 

2. We need to have an error feedback when the old syntax is no longer working for the app, highlighting the failing actions. It is not acceptable having the actions simply ignored. 

Cheers @Joseph_Seddik for pinging someone on the team.

Since the dev OGs are gone now, I have no idea who to tag anymore. ๐Ÿ˜†

Thank you for the ping, @Joseph_Seddik  Raising this to the team for further clarification. Thank you for raising the concern, @MultiTech, and for the additional discussion. Apologies for not responding sooner. 

@lizlynch Thank you Liz!

@lizlynch We would greatly appreciate it if you could keep us updated on the situation. It is crucial for many apps that rely on this functionality. It would be a disaster if all of our clients suddenly experienced issues with their business critical apps. Thank you.

@lizlynch any updates?

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