Onboarding Image Size

Is anyone struggling with the image size on the onboarding screens? It is ridiculously small!

The images are barely legible and with no function available to expand the image, it renders them useless.

8 11 900

I am having the same issue.  Anyone any ideas on how to present larger images in the onboarding screen?


Yes I've been disappointed by how small it's rendering the image even though mye images are enormous (1920x1080px).

Hopefully someone will respond with something useful.

Hi you can get the user the ctrl button and the mouse scroll wheel to adjust the view size in the web browser. Thats the only way I know to change it

Did anyone find a workaround for this?

Bronze 3
Bronze 3


If anyone has a workaround, please share!

Not a solution, but just to share something in case it helps others.

The rendered size (in browser) appears to be 220x220px.  It's the 40px margin that's set within the code that seems to be the constraining factor over getting larger rendered images.

I found a source image size of 600x600 (they call it "intrinsic" in the Inspector) gives a good enough quality to the image without the file size being huge.  It seems unlikely this will help get a larger "rendered" image, but it helped me understand what's happening.





`margin: 40px auto` actually means "put a 40px margin on the top and bottom, then add the same margin to left and right until it fills the space." It's one way to center an image.

I can see that we set the max width here to 275px some five years ago, before we started working on desktop, and before we had good tracking for these kinds of decisions. I've asked the team for input and will see if we can improve this.

Hey @infinitejess do you have any news regarding changes in max width image size from your team?
Thanks in advance.

Hi, thanks for reminding me! Many balls in the air.

I just merged a change that should go out later this week (tomorrow earliest) that removes the excessive horizontal padding.





This will apply to both legacy and desktop.

There's also a minor fix in there I turned up in testing, which is that if your onboarding rows have wildly different lengths of text, there's a bunch of padding at the bottom of the shorter views to make them all the same length. They should all be only as long as necessary now.

Thank you for the update.  I'm looking forward to these improvement!

Thanks a for such quick response and for even better news๐ŸŽ‰๐Ÿฅณ

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