New Bug Encountered: email address of clients

I have an app that is a dispatch type of app. The email of my clients are being altered with certain frequency creating error on my dispatch log and with the communication with my haulers. I not sure why this is occurring. Any orientation would be welcomed

0 7 569

Platinum 4
Platinum 4

Altered in what way?

In my job dispatch.gsheet I have a column for my client emails for when I log a service done it sends a message to my client. What happens at time is that the email on top or below in the list gets copied and the information is sent to the wrong person

What are the expressions involved?

Sorry Steve, I am not sure what you are asking

How does the email get sent? Does the app send the email? If so, please provide screenshots of the app configuration that sends the email.

Hi Steve, sorry but know I have no access to my app. The following message shows up

Sign in with Google temporarily disabled for this app

This app has not been verified yet by Google in order to use Google Sign In.

Hi @Domingo_Medina,

Please take a look at the following post

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