- LIST("") | This doesn't seem to be working all that much for me anymore, anyone else?

Let's say I've got a list of child records, and out of those I wish to extract a sub-list of reference IDs - excluding any blanks, as there is the possibility of the field being blank.

To do this I would do something like

  [Related Whatevers][My_Column]
  - list("")


For the past few days, this hasn't been working all the time.

  • Especially when I send something off to a script; the scripts are now having to deal with empty values.

Anyone else seeing this as well?

0 4 295

Hi Matt, for me it seems to be working just fine.

Yes, it seems to be working fine for me also.

Hi @MultiTech 

I saw the similar issue to deal with list (array) value using -LIST("") syntax, which would remove the duplicate. The consequence on the surface of the app is FORM view is broken (on the new desktop ux) while the blank view is presented with the legacy UX.  

I believe your error would disappear once you remove -LIST("") expression, i.e.

  [Related Whatevers][My_Column]

Hey man,

have you tried this yet?

[Related Whatevers][My_Column]
- list("")
), ",", " , ")


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