Insert data to Bigquery through AppSheet

I have managed to make a connection between Appsheet and Bigquery. However, even though I can now see my dataset's tables in AppSheet, when I try to log data to those tables, it doesn't sync. I get the following error:

Unable to add row to table 'Data'. โ†’ The service bigquery has thrown an exception. No HttpStatusCode was specified. Job bq-appsheet-418804/US/job_1c83ac17_b605_4ad2_97e4_ba60d2a7c01c contained 2 error(s). First error message: Access Denied: Table bq-appsheet-418804:Dataset_Appsheet.Data: Permission bigquery.tables.updateData denied on table bq-appsheet-418804:Dataset_Appsheet.Data (or it may not exist).: Message[Access Denied: Table bq-appsheet-418804:Dataset_Appsheet.Datos: Permission bigquery.tables.updateData denied on table bq-appsheet-418804:Dataset_Appsheet.Datos (or it may not exist).] Location[ - ] Reason[accessDenied] Domain[], Message[Access Denied: Table bq-appsheet-418804:Dataset_Appsheet.Data: Permission bigquery.tables.updateData denied on table bq-appsheet-418804:Dataset_Appsheet.Data (or it may not exist).] Location[ - ] Reason[accessDenied ] Domain[]

I understand that if I can insert new records into BQ tables, is it correct?

0 4 197


Did you find a solution? I'm facing with the same problem...

Yes, I did

Thank you so much

Can you please share the solution? I am trying to implement something similar.

For sure @amitk @Stefi_Oancea 

Actually I made two different steps:

1. Follow the instructions related on this link:

2. Verify that, when you finally connect to BQ through AppSheet, check the tables are not as "non-editable mode". 

Thatยดs pretty much it

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