How to search items with specific features and show in main page

Dear my friends
Please download from this link my excel file

I have this data in my app.
For instance I want to show or search only properties with price between 100000$ and 250000$ with the number of bathrooms between 5 and 7 with โ€œLuxeโ€ or โ€œSuperluxeโ€ possibilities in main page of my app.

How can i do it in appsheet?
Is there any way?
I hope to tell what i mean?

Thank you for your support

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I believe it will be more useful for you to use go over the option that @Aleksi had proposed above. Open the app editor and go to Data >> UserSettings. You have 10 user specific fields there. Activate and adjust them as per your needs. Then you need to create a slice of your table as Aleksi had explained. You can start here:

View solution in original post


Something likeโ€ฆ

Thank you very much for your help.
Iโ€™m beginner in appsheet.
Where should i copy it?
I want to have this ability in appsheet that can change it without coding in different ways.
Change bedroom ,price , and โ€ฆ
Did you see realtor app yet?

Iโ€™m trying to build like this.

That formula would work for example with a slice.

But where can i see the result ?

I copied price code but i didnโ€™t see the result in main page of app.
Please tell me more about it because Iโ€™m beginner in appsheet

Hi @you_tube You need to make a view from your slice to see it. UX> views> new view. Select the slice as the data source.

Thank you very much.
That is the answer of my question.
But another question is that how can i set a flexible filter like Realtore app that i could filter by any price or other features like numbers if bath bedroom or โ€ฆ

Is there any way to have a filter buttons on top of the app to search easily in our data?


You might want to take a look at this example app. It should help you build what you are looking for (or at least get you closer):

Thank you very much.
The app isnโ€™t same that i want.

Unfortunately I canโ€™t find how can i creat such this filter!

I am not sure I understand what you mean by โ€œconnect to my appโ€. The demo I app I provided is just an example to look at. It shows you how the slices and views are used to allow user selection (filtering). I assumed you might look at the design approaches and decide what adjustments you might make for your specific app. There is not โ€œfilterโ€ object that can be added to an appsheet app. you use a combination of slices and views to accomplish this.

I think itโ€™s so hard to do this !

Itโ€™s not a single step but can be done. I would encourage you to stick with it and learn the multiple steps involved. I can understand your concern as there is a bit of a learning curve hereโ€ฆ

I wish appsheet had plugins to do this!

Excel has filters that weโ€™ve created in all coloumns but after import it in appsheet we didnโ€™t see any filters!

Iโ€™ll work on it.
Thank you

You can use the Appsheet search bar (but thatโ€™s unstructured). Can also try the โ€œAssitantโ€.

To get an excel type โ€œfilterโ€ will take a bit more work

I searched in the internet but I couldnโ€™t find a functional example !
Anybody is there to have a functional example of search by filter?

This site is great app builder with filter capabilities.

But we canโ€™t edit app offline!

@you_tube Maybe you could get some ideas from here or from the sample apps.

Iโ€™m looking for an app to use filter like excel.
But in appsheet filtered didnโ€™t apply as i want!

It sounds that you want to filter the table view with field by field, is that correct?

like excel that you can filters items to see items tht you want and Everytime you can clear all and apply another filters with another features.
In appsheet now we can only arrange items by names or amount from largest to smallest or inverse.

One option is to filter data with Usersettings but it needs save.

I couldnโ€™t find it in user setting?
Can you tell me more where is it exactly?

Itโ€™s not already there, you need to change one of those columns for your own needs. You can choose what ever from that settings page.

Can you send me an example in appsheet?
How can I do it?

Basically you need to upadate for example 4 columns in the Usersettings table. When the user fills these 4 fields in their own device, you can filter the slice with a formula likeโ€ฆ
[Price]>=Usersettings(Lowest Price),
[Price]<=Usersettings(Highest Price),
[Bathrooms]>=Usersettings(Lowest Bathrooms),
[Bathrooms]<=USersettings[Higset Bathrooms)

I understand next step.

But in first step we have 9 coloumns in the usersettings as you see in the picture.2X_0_05fdb0e3ba43932b8e9e494a8635be87a36104bf.jpeg

How should i update those coloumns?
What words should I add or โ€ฆ?
In which box should I add ?

Iโ€™m a beginner!

Remember that you can choose any of them and you can update those columns as you want. In generally itโ€™s the same than updating your normal table/column structure.

I looked at this page.
But it seems this is not what i mean.
I want to have a filter to control and search all of parameters of properties.
Like Realtor app

I think there is no way in appsheet!
Install Realtor app to find what i mean

You can construct your own Advanced Filter with a Form UX and when the form is saved you can direct the user to a filtered view with the selections on the form. We had once done the same to a property manager client.

Check this app in my portfolio. Go ahead and try Advanced Filtering. Isnโ€™t this what you are asking for?

Thank you for your reply

I think this is what I mean.
Can you more explain how to do it?
Where do we creat Form ux? And how?
Can you share your app to see data ?

Basically you need to construct a FILTERING table in your gSheet with all the filtering components you would like to include and import this table to your app. Than go to UX in the editor and assign a FORM Type view to this table. Name it as you like i.e. Advanced Filter etc.

Secondly you need to construct an Action with all the conditional criteria resulting to a LINKTOFILTEREDVIEW deep link. You need to assign this action to the Form Saved property of your Form View constructed above. When selections are made and the form is saved, the Form Saved action will be triggered and take you to the filtered view that you have specified.

The app is under my portfolio named as Land Resource and you are free to take a copy of it from here >

Thank you so much
I will try.

Youโ€™re welcome

Also please consider the solution that @Aleksi had already proposed. As UserSettings are device specific, itโ€™s a more robust solution than mine provided you donโ€™t have/need filtering criteria more than 10.

Yes of course

But I need a functional example for aleksi solution to find how to do it

I have a community sample app which I use to reply posts as a showcase/proof of concept. I will try to build a sample there for you. Give me a couple of hours pls.

Thank you very much.

I tried to looking at your app.
Iโ€™m beginner and I think it was so complicated.

I have a very simple excel data that you can see in the link:

and I think your app is so professional.
I should learn more about appsheet and try to add filter button

My app is very simple
I have 5 coloumns

I want only to have advanced filter button to filter these 5 coloumns.

Is there any possibility to share my app with you ? (I donโ€™t know how)

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