How to return to main page?

When I click to item and doing some actions (like Delete or else), application switch to another item. How to switch to main list?


0 1 44
  • UX

AFIK there is no simple way to do this.

The only way I could come up with is

  1. introduce a column (i.e. DeleteFlag of type YES/NO) to indicate the row for deletion (hide it if you want)
  2. an action to set the flag to "Y"
  3. a Bot on data update events to delete a row when DeleteFlag = "Y"
  4. an action to go to the table view
  5. a sequence action to do step 2 and 4 (set Confirmation on) to be used by the user

Though the user sees the intended record for a few seconds after the App goes back to the table view, it does what it does...

Others may know a simpler way...

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