Help with Table design

I have an app that collects a large amount of data and then uses this data to complete calculations to then provide quotes. I know that my table setup is not right and I have tried to read up on database design but cant work out how my tables should work and link so that my views look correct.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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Hi @Brenda_Lynch
A bit more info about your data and views would be helpful thanks

Hi @Lynn
I have a table where people input data about the quote (approx 300 different things). Then approx 320 calculations are done in another table that uses the entered information plus another table that has Fixed costs (another 140 coloumns).
How to I get them to all connect? I currently have it working but its using SELECT in all the calculations and I am sure there is a better way to do it from the reading I have been doing.

Thanks Steve

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