Grouping Month Wise Bar Chart


We have date-wise data across 2 years  starting from Sept 2023 till Mar 2024 which we wanted to group by month-year in a bar chart for which we have created a virtual column with this expression

YEAR([Created time]),"-",

Month([Created time])
โ€œJanโ€, โ€œFebโ€, โ€œMarโ€, โ€œAprโ€, โ€œMayโ€, โ€œJunโ€,
โ€œJulโ€, โ€œAugโ€, โ€œSepโ€, โ€œOctโ€, โ€œNovโ€, โ€œDecโ€

which is coming in this way 


We wanted the month to be in text instead of number but when we do it, it is getting sorted in alphabetic order 
Ex: 2023 Dec, 2023 Nov, 2023 Oct, 2023 Sept. 


Please help me sort this out. 

Thank you

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Google Developer Expert
Google Developer Expert

Hi @ctvenky 

@ctvenky wrote:

We wanted the month to be in text instead of number but when we do it, it is getting sorted in alphabetic order 
Ex: 2023 Dec, 2023 Nov, 2023 Oct, 2023 Sept. 

This is a common pitfall ๐Ÿ™‚

Did you try using the "new Chart" feature?





This is great.

Does it support multiple grouping like legacy charts? We need this to understand the data in multiple layers. 

Do you mean "grouping by month, or week, or year" ? The yes, but it's not a native grouping. You have choices. 


However, you can workaround it to create the illusion of a grouping with a serie of views and some action buttons. It could be cumbersome to implement though.


Alternatively, you may want to connect your app to Looker Studio to achieve the data visualization you expect.

For reference: Quick start: Visualize your app data using Looker Studio - AppSheet Help


So, I was referring to this group-by. 


This multiple-level different column groupby is helping us to understand the data easily. Can we achieve this using the new charts? 

I thought you were thinking about that indeed, but unfortunately it's not possible on the new chart feature.

ok, So coming back to legacy charts we do not have a proper way to show the months in sequence right? 

@ctvenky wrote:

So coming back to legacy charts we do not have a proper way to show the months in sequence right?

As far as I know, that's correct ๐Ÿ™‚

The idea you found is the most effective.

Ok, then we will stick to legacy charts and the existing format till we find a better way. 

Thank you for your response. 

I managed to give a try to "dynamic" grouping, or sort of.

Would that work for you?




It involves an additional table for storing the grouping level.

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