Fill a dropdown by filtering information from a table

Hello, I need to fill a dropdown with a table query. I have a table called COMPANY that has a column called ID, another Name and Users, the objective is to query the ID and show the Name in the dropdown as long as the user is equal to USERMAIL(). I hope you can help me.


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Depending on exactly what you want to achieve, you can either:

  1. Use an App formula in the Name column to return the Name associated with the Users column. This will prevent users from manually completing the Name field.
    1. LOOKUP(USEREMAIL(),"COMPANY","Users","Name")
  2. Or you can use this as an initial value, which will then allow the user to still select a different name than the calculated one (Assuming you wouldn't want this, but just mentioning in case)

Thank you for your response, but what I am looking for is to load the companies from the user settings screen, eligible after the user enters their UserID, the companies loaded as a result of the query can be several, so I require that they can be selected in a dropdown . I hope you can help.

Then in the company column you can use the suggested values option and a SELECT() expression to generate the list you want based on the UserID.

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