Calendar view of employees on leave


For the past few days I have been struggeling a lot. ChatGPT and this forum (maybe my search skills are very poor) did not help me.

My main goal:
Create an app that easily can show who is on a leave from specific departments, most likely shown in a calendar view I guess?

What we have been using until now:
My boss has been using an excel file to give him this overview. I dont know from where he got it, but the main problem with this excel file, is that nothing is refering to eachother. So each month looks the same (Employee no. Names, groups etc) but if an employee is moving to another department, he needs to update all months (sheets) manually. See this picture:

Original plan.png

My setup with appsheet:
I have 2 tables right now - In my setup, everything is danish, but I will write it in english here for better understanding.

- 'Employees' is Parent with following columns:
Employee no, Name, Weekends off, Group, Department

- 'Leaves' is Child with following columns:
Row ID, Type, Leave start, Leave end

With this setup, the calendar view cannot show me what I need.
I kind of need to show something similar to the Excel file above where it is possible to see which employees from each department is on a leave at the same time.
But since my 'Leaves' table only contains the columns 'Type, Leave start and Leave end' I cannot show the Departments in a view?

I searched this forum and found out that I could do add virtual columns in the 'Leaves' table with this App Formula:
[Employee no].[Name], [Employee no].[Weekends off], [Employee no].[Department] and so on for the rest of the columns I want to show from 'Employees' table. 
See picture below

Virtual columns in Leaves.png

Now it is possible in the View to use 'Department' in the Description to show employees from all Departments in a calendar view that has whatever kind of leave. See picture below:

Calendar view departments.png

I need 2 things if possible.
Can I show the name of employee after 'Department' name? So it would say: Morgen - Employee name
Right now, I would need to click all of them to see who is the employee.
And, how can I colour-group the 'Departments'?

In 'Views' I have the 'Category' which can show in different colours, but I can only choose: Auto assign, None, Employee no and Type. If I could have chosen Department everything would have been good.
Maybe my brain stopped working, but I cannot figure out how to add, or having 'Departments' showing up in this Category list. See picture below:

Category view.png

Thanks, and sorry if I did not explain good enough.
Also sorry if I explains things you might think is not relevant. I was trying to give you the background history of why I do this ๐Ÿ™‚

And if you think something is completely stupid the way I try to achieve this, please tell me.
I am not expert with appsheet, so I am pretty sure I could do things in another way ๐Ÿ™‚


Solved Solved
0 2 448

#1 - You need to have a column where you combine the Department and Employee name, and then use it with the description.
#2 - It sounds you need to have a color column in your table, and then you are able to see it from the dropdown.

View solution in original post


#1 - You need to have a column where you combine the Department and Employee name, and then use it with the description.
#2 - It sounds you need to have a color column in your table, and then you are able to see it from the dropdown.


I will try this later today ๐Ÿ™

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