CSV export returns everything

As the title say.

It was working correctly last week. No updates where made prior this.

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This happened 07:00 - 15:00 AEST. were using an enterpise license.  The view in appsheet was correct, with no edit to the export csv action the out put returned all our data.  This has caused great disturbance in our end users workflow.

The solution was ironically was to duplicate the action and delete the old one. Theres no sense to it.  same configuration (csv export doesnt even have any other than local).

How do you generate the CSV file? With an action or Bot? Though, if you haven't changed anything, it would be probably better to contact support so devs could investigate the reason.

Hi @AleksiAlkio  it was from an action. Thank you. ill reach out to support for this.

The solution was ironically was to duplicate the action and delete the old one. Theres no sense to it.  same configuration (csv export doesnt even have any other than local).

Something has gone wrong. Good that you were able to find it!


Bring Mr.Phil (who initially developped this complex feature) back to the desk to correct those ....... It seems to be only an option to me...


I dont remember correctly how many tmes before we reported bugs in export csv actions, but not really attended....

When this nice feature was released to us, it worked perfectly. 

As far as I remember there is still unfixed bugs like -;

For ref type column, once we exported data (before) the value of LABEL column was exported to CSV. However, now it changed the behaviors.  The actual data exported to CSV is KEY value instead of Label ones.

Column order is based on source Table/Slice, which is also be changed without we knowing it.... 

Export CSV is super unstable and not reliable.

Explained to the support desk, but it seems nobody understand what we claimed. 

What I can say now is "this is pity..."


Hi @Koichi_Tsuji I trully i agree with you with the love/hate tawards this feature!

To enumarate my concerns with csv export in general as you also mention 

  1.  Column order is based on source Table/Slice. currectly the same for me
  2. Ref type columns getting the label instead of key. Currently a pain, when importing csv back looses reference id
  3. Field headers export get display name, rather then the database feild name. Again importing it back doesnt recognize
  4. THEN NOW this export which returns everything! 

As much as i want to resolve it, One thing i really wish and the only reason we export csvs in the first place is that a table view can act like  spreadsheet table, where copying 3 cells from a spread sheet would also paste 3 cells in appsheet; sadly the current appsheet interaction just jams 3 copied cells to 1 cell.

I m with you.

I claimed about this issue to the support desk, 100s times, but nobody seems to understand what I claim. This is a also another problem...

I just ask my god to see how to get out of this MAZE.... But still no solution, unless Google realize the level of the risk/problems agains that they initially gave a birth.

It looks like they forgot the name of the baby they gave a birth now, and then no more interest what they made.

Then move to focus on the (developping) new features where not much users get interested in, while such a bug or important features are neglected.

Again, sad and pity.



Export/Import CSV function is super un-stable.... for years. It changes the behavior almost everyday....

Currently, we observed the export CSV out of slice is not working in PREVEIW of the app editor, and we reported to the support, but AS USUAL, no response. We have to zip our mouse and stay cool...


@devingu FYI

Due to change in behavior since this new feature was released, there are bunch of risk to the app creators.

There is P&C and confidential information contained in a certain colunm. (For instance, HR related data) we hide such column by NOT adding to the view in order to RULE OUT.

Once the export is done, then user will see columns data in the CSV files, even though such column not incluced in the view where the action is invoked.

When this action was released (GAed) to us, the column we see on the view only was exported. This is (WAS) in line with the name of action, "Export THIS VIEW" to the csv file. 

It used to work as this name suggested.  However, now this action changes behavior from time to time.  

It should be renamed to "Export SOURCE slice/table data of this view to the CSV file with value for ref type column with key value instead of LABEL"  or something like that to be inline with what this action actually does.


After all my effort to explain to the support desk fails, we tend to avoid to use Export CSV function then replaced to the automation to create CSV files....

This is the truth and daily headache to us.


By any chance do you Use appscript to generate a CSV file?

I have also done this but only to the extent that the file was uploaded in Gdrive. Have you replicated the file to push through browser downloeds?

Actually not.

Export to CSV is kinds of set of Server/Client oriented operation, so as far as I know, GAS does not do this job, as it is server side jobs.


This bug (Appsheet can export either KEY or Label values for ref column) gave me an idea that we App Creator should have the option to select either when we config Export CSV action. This gives us more of the flexibility and possibility to cope with the different use cases where some use cases need label value while other needs key value out of REF when we export down to CSV....


I agree with you on this. Both for Key/label and Column headers/ Display name.

On a different note i have also discovered something with regards too CSV export.

Normally, we have a nested table that is derived from REF_ROW(), this results to an expected output csv from a nested view.

I found out that csv exports that returned everything were affecting nested tables that are derived from REF_ROW() inside an IF() function.  The reason why we put as IF(), is because were trying to ease down virtual column calculations once that data has been "submitted/validated".

I removed the IF() function and just left the REF_ROW(). it seem to work back alright.  

I am not fully confident on this solution since i have also mention re creating the action resolved some but not all.



This is another example we are not able to "rely on" existing export CSV action functionality, then forgot it and move to Automation "unnecessarily"

@Koichi_Tsuji wrote:

Bring Mr.Phil

Miss that guy

I privately chatted with him when this features was released to the public behind the scene at that time...


He was super skillful developper for sure, and make most of the exsiting AppSheet functionalities....


He was also in charge of all the PDF generation stuff. Since I'm using HTML templates, he was the guy to talk to... for sure a skillful developer was lost

Yes indeed. I was also involed at that time for that one.

Sadly, what AppSheet features made by dev member before Google time cant not be attended as no-body currently in Google team is not capable to change them over, so such failures (I would say, the changes in behavior since GA to the current not to be addressed as nobody can change the code) keep exsiting...

Feature before Google time : - Untouched. If the behavirors changes, then change the DOC rather than change the code.

This is now default.



Very disappointing, I agree, Even the new desktop preview still full of bugs and it's been on for a long time in new features. Look like it's only few people in development time which only fix 1 bug a day. Very sad..


@Amjad wrote:

Very disappointing, I agree, Even the new desktop preview still full of bugs

Very true. Hope Google will not declare GA with this conditions (bunch of bugs) to the users without letting us know. "improved editor" case (not really improved the productivities to develop app though, but google named so) was GA-ed without announcement.....  Complete chaos.


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