
Hi team!
Last night a user was doing some actions in the app and the sync got stucked in 63... He continued working.
This is solved but I need to underestand the Issue.
This was the message:
Unable to create 'Op' because creation of 'AppTableProperties' returned error: Table schema 'Operacion Contador_Schema' was not found..

What can it be? THanks a lot!

1 11 168

Is anyone having other issues with Appsheet today?

I had a simular issue, last night I tried to copy an existing app along with his database, and it took for ever, eventually (not sure how long, I went to sleep) the copy was done.

Have you checked if Operacion Contado is in your data source?

Yes no changes there ๐Ÿ˜ž

Did you change the table name inside AppSheet?

No changes there ...
And the notifications in editor do not tell error

it works 10 times yes, 1 time no... that is super strange

I have the same issue on a iphone 
I checked in an android device I had no issues at all 

I'm also getting this issue quite frequently.

I was just contacted by a client this afternoon who was seeing this error as well.  Since several of us seem to be seeing this, then it must be an AppSheet-side problem.  Especially with this kind of error.

I am curious, how did you resolve the issue and were you able to save the 63 unsaved edits?

Personally I had to refresh the editor page and then do a schema refresh on the table that was referenced. The desktop version browser I had done my admin changes on needed to be completely closed down. But in doing so I lost all my changes which was quite annoying, but I just couldn't get it to sync or even reset changes (using the built in AppSheet option in the browser).

I'm not doing anything wrong so it's definitely a bug on the AppSheet side of things.

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