Bot doesn't work

Hi everyone!!
give me a hand to understand where I'm wrong, thanks to the patience and help of Alyssa_QREW
I managed to create my first Bot, the problem is that it still doesn't work. I have two tables, a "Historical_Organization_Table" and the other "Training_List". When I change a value in a column of the "Historical_Organization_Table" I would like it to also change all the fields associated with that employee.The action I created works for every single row, mail Bot doesn't work.the formula I'm using for the bot


in the table "Organico Storico" the key is' (id employee)  In the "Training List" table (key with uniqueid() formula

thanks a lot


Solved Solved
0 10 169

Here are the step I would follow:

  1. Create a new bot
  2. When this EVENT occurs:
    1. Data Change
    2. Table: Tbl_Organico_Storico
    3. Date change type: Updates
    4. Condition: [_thisRow_Before].[Area]<>[_thisRow_After].[Area]
  3. Run this PROCESS
    1. Run a data action
    2. Run action on rows
    3. Referenced Table: ELENCO_TRAINING
    4. Referenced Rows: [_thisRow].[Related Tbl_Organico_Storicos]
    5. Referenced Action: Aggiungi in Training Record




View solution in original post

Looks like the error is in the access to the office365 data source. If that is the case, I am not much help.

View solution in original post


Here are the step I would follow:

  1. Create a new bot
  2. When this EVENT occurs:
    1. Data Change
    2. Table: Tbl_Organico_Storico
    3. Date change type: Updates
    4. Condition: [_thisRow_Before].[Area]<>[_thisRow_After].[Area]
  3. Run this PROCESS
    1. Run a data action
    2. Run action on rows
    3. Referenced Table: ELENCO_TRAINING
    4. Referenced Rows: [_thisRow].[Related Tbl_Organico_Storicos]
    5. Referenced Action: Aggiungi in Training Record




Hi, thank you very much for your help, I tried but I get this error, plus "tbl_organico Storico" is a table not a column1.png

When you create a reference in your child table (ELENCO_TRAINING) using the [id employee] column, it should generate a reference column in your tbl_organico Storico table. This column will be called something like "Related XXXX" and have a formula of REF_ROWS("Elenco_Training","id employee") - maybe it is called [Related Elecno_Trainings]. This is the column to use. 

Oh sorry - this is not on the right table.  For referenced rows you can try SELECT(Elenco_Training[area],[id employee]=[_thisRow].[id employee])


Hi I changed with
[_thisRow].[Related Elenco_Trainings] takes the formula, but when the value in the "historical organic tbl" table changes in the "training list" table nothing happens. I really don't understand where the problem is1.png1.png

have you tried: SELECT(Elenco_Training[area],[id employee]=[_thisRow].[id employee])

Tried this too and nothing works๐Ÿ˜ญ1.png

I'll give you these too2.png1.png

I tried to do a test

Looks like the error is in the access to the office365 data source. If that is the case, I am not much help.

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