Barcode Image not being displayed in the generated .pdf

Hello Everyon, 

I have a mini app that generate a label, it has been working for at least 6 month without any problems and without doin any changes to the backend / frontend, but suddenly today, the barcode that is of image type , is not being displayed in the generated label, instead , it looks like a broken link (image below) , when i click on it it redirects me to the image of the generated barcode which looks just fine. Any help would be appreciated.
Note: Previously generated labels.pdf open just fine .

link used as formula to generate the barcode: 
"" &LEFT([MAWB],3)&RIGHT([MAWB],8)&"&code=Code128&translate-esc=on&dataattributekey_2=&dataattributeval_2=&dataattributekey_3=&dataattributeval_3=&dataattributekey_4=&dataattributeval_4=&dataattributekey_5=&dataattributeval_5=&digitallink=&imagetype=Jpg&eclevel=L&dmsize=Default"

I thought that it might be an issue with barcode.tec so i switched to webarcode, but i can still have the same issue.
Webarcode link that i am using as a formula: 

links seems to be working perfectly but not the generated label, example below; 


The template is very straight forward: 


In view data i can see the generated barcode: 




When you open the record from the app, does it show the image just fine?

Thanks for your repsone, Yes, when i open the table view of these records and head to the image column, i can already see the Barcode in the table generated, but not in the template. 

From the table view column "Barcode" Type Image: 



OKay, this is very weird, i have done no changes , but now it's working again ? seems that it was a bug or something ? am not sure at all 

Sounds weird indeed. Maybe a cache issue?

The same issue occurred again for like 2 hrs and then again it was fixed by itself. 

It's a bit annoying tbh. 

Facing same issue currently.

I'm constantly facing this issue, but it seems to fix itself by itself sometimes in an hour , two, or so. Such strange behavior.

You are correct, it fix by itself when I tried after few hours. Maybe some outage somewhere?

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