Any Known Commercially Developed Apps using AppSheet?

Are you aware of any commercial apps on the App Store developed with AppSheet? I'm exploring app development options and considering Flutter versus AppSheet. Given AppSheet's simplicity, I'm interested in known examples of its application in software development.

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It seems that no one wants to answer this. Can someone please answer this for me?

AppSheet is B2B while Flutter can be B2B and B2C. AppSheet is a tool to create apps with no code, Flutter is a coding framework for Dart.

You are basically comparing pears and apples. Flutter is way over AppSheet's league

I've previously put 2 apps in the appstore, 1 commercial and one a charity.  I'd sooner rub raw chillies in my eyes than do it again.  Budget around 2-3 hours to get on Google Play and 3-5 days to get on App Store. Because apple will make you jump through multiple hoops and submit it at least 3-4 different times. 

Plus with the Apple submission you will require both a fairly new iPad/iPhone and a Macbook/Imac less than about 2-3 years old to run the software simply to allow you to upload it to the Appstore.  I kid you not.

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