What does "email account" refer to in "Test Now" error?

New Member

Receiving an error when trying to use the “Test Now” feature on the schedule delivery modal, the same error customers are receiving when pressing “Test Now”:


What does “You do not have an email account set up” mean? There is an email address associated to my user in looker, as you can see in this screenshot:


Is there some way to resolve this? To be clear, this isn’t necessarily blocking as the alternative suggested in the error message (the “Send Now” feature) works without any problems. The problem with leaving it as is is that it’s a bad look and generates support tickets.

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have the same question. This is creating a lot of confusion amongst our users. 


Your speculation is absolutely correct. I recreated the behaviour in my internal instance and can confirm that getting the same error.


Please note that getting this error is expected as embed users when hitting the test now as Test Now sends an email to the user who fires it. Embed users don't have an email account set up, so they see this message. Please find the documentation attached: https://cloud.google.com/looker/docs/scheduling-and-sending-dashboards#testing_a_schedule

The Email addresses field on the schedule modal autofills with the email address of the user for this, in this case it will leave it empty, so even if you put another email there, Looker will try to use the email of the user that is requesting the test, ignoring the contents of the modal.

There are 2 workarounds for this:

1. We set the Recurrence field on the schedule modal to Send now and it will deliver a one-time delivery to all recipients listed, ignoring the lack of email for the embed user.

2. We add an email address for the embed user, this cannot be done on the UI, but it can be done using the API, as described here: https://community.looker.com/embedding-looker-powered-by-looker-75/how-to-create-modify-an-embed-use...

Hope the information helps.


Sorry to revive this but we have this same issue and the two things I find confusing are:

1)We used to not get this issue when test sending dashboards. Did Looker change something that now changes the behaviour test send where it results in this error?

2)My test send on Looks works just fine. The issue only happens with test sending dashboards. If this was a question of my embedded users not having emails associated with them then why does test send work?