Looker --> Hosted GitHub Integration - Timeouts


We are using a Google hosted Looker instance and for Git integration, it is configured to point to our own customer hosted GitHub (GHE) repo using https. e.g. https://ourhost/repos/looker_repo.git

The GitHub integration is using a single user and access token for the connection.

Over the past number of weeks, we have experienced a lot of timeouts from a relatively small dev team of 4-5 active developers.

The symptoms are that on loading a project, the "checking status" message in top right is not returning and when we do a "Test Git Connection" it times out at Networking to git or any different steps.

This issue is intermittent but does seem to be load related as the more developers using it or more concurrent "Test Git Connection" action performed, the more we get timeouts.

We have had Google support and our own GHE/Networking teams investigate this issue for a number of weeks now but there is still no root cause. Note our customer hosted GHE is used by 100's of other clients and there are not issues reported.

Just wondering if anyone else has the same configuration and experienced a similar issue ? 


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