How to compare between 2 date range control

Hi there! I'm currently using Google Lookers and I find its user interface quite easy to navigate. However, I have a question regarding the date range control. Is it possible to add a checkbox in the control that would allow me to compare two different date ranges? Currently, the comparison date range option is only available under the setup tab when editing tables. Unfortunately, this option only allows me to choose a fixed period, such as the previous year, quarter, half-quarter, fixed, and other values. 

I'd like to have the ability to dynamically select two different date ranges by using a checkbox in the date range control. When this checkbox is selected, it should show a second date range control where I can input the second date range. Once both date ranges have been selected, I would like to view a comparison of the results based on those two date ranges.

Furthermore, I have five Google Analytics accounts added as data sources. I'm wondering how I can list the domain name from each analytics account and display it in a table along with their impressions, clicks, and other metrics. 

Any help would be greatly appreciated! 




We have the same issue, I hope someone helps

Hope so!