Error: Cannot use persistent derived tables in temp schema

Hello everyone,

I followed the instructions from the `LookerEmbedReference` looker github repo to setup a connection between Big Query and Looker

The instructions can be found here

However, upon testing the connection, I got the following errors:

Test cdt: Cannot use persistent derived tables in temp schema "looker_scratch" in database "looker_scratch" with pdt overrides context: could not create or write to pdt connection registration table looker_scratch.connection_reg_r3

I tried using a different `Dataset` name but it didn’t work either

I attached below an screenshot of my configurations in Looker and Big Query




I am new to Looker and I found other posts regarding this issue but the solution is not documented anywhere

Did anyone encounter and solved this issue? How can I debug it properly?

Thank you for your help

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anyone has the same issue? 

Were you able to get this resolved?  I'm getting the same error.

Got the same issue