TPUv3 capacity in europe-west4


I've been trying to provision a v3-32 TPU VM in europe-west4-a for about a week, but keep getting

code: 8
message: There is no more capacity in the zone

I wonder is anyone else seeing the same symptom, is there a capacity issue in the region? I am able to create v3-8 and v2-32 instances so hopefully my command is syntactically correct:

gcloud compute tpus tpu-vm create $VM_NAME --zone=europe-west4-a --accelerator-type=v3-32 --version=tpu-vm-base

Unfortunately I do not have access to v4 instances, and my workload did not work on v2 instances (tried on v2-32 but failed) so I do not have an alternative instance type to use

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You're correct, that error message indicates that there is no capacity available in that zone. One option you could try is requesting your TPU as a queued resource. Queued resources allow you to receive capacity when it becomes available.

View solution in original post


You're correct, that error message indicates that there is no capacity available in that zone. One option you could try is requesting your TPU as a queued resource. Queued resources allow you to receive capacity when it becomes available.

Ahh thank you very much for the response, I think with the start up script it may work for my use case 🙂

Umm one question - when the start up script finishes executing, would the TPU instance be released, or would it stay in place until I release it manually?

Also, I wonder would you ever add more v3 capacity to europe-west-4?

Umm or, is there a way for me to get access to v4 instances?