Since ‎07-05-2016

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Looker will not be updating this content, nor guarantees that everything is up-to-date. The ProblemWe want to compare the orders we have received this week, up to and including today, with the orders from previous weeks, up to and including the same ...
Knowledge DropLast tested: Nov 16, 2017The history explore in System Activity includes both User-Defined and LookML dashboards. Because of this, when filtering on a dashboard id, the generated SQL will convert the ID to a VARCHAR.If you try to filter...
Knowledge DropLast tested: Dec 24, 2019 An admin user will see a "Manage Access" option when viewing the folder. However, we can't manually specify which groups/users have access to this folder. This is defined in an SSO embed script.When an embed us...
Knowledge DropLast tested: Apr 6, 2018 Only Admin users can see a user's API Client ID and Secret. Non-Admin users who have the see_users permission can see Client ID's but not secrets.If a non-admin user is given a Client ID and Secret for the API, ...
Knowledge DropLast tested: Mar 20, 2018 You can send data to an S3 bucket using the Run Scheduled Plan Once endpoint.You'll need to replace the S3 bucket region, access_key_id, secret_access_key and query_id.{ "scheduled_plan_destination":[ { "format...